Tuesday, November 29, 2022


Words of Wisdom:  



1 Corinthians 10:13 

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.

James 4:7 

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you


Galatians 5:16  

But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.

1 Corinthians 6:18-20 

Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.

Hebrews 2:18 

For because he himself has suffered when tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.

Morning Prayer: 

Good Morning Heavenly Father, we come thanking you for this day of life and for waking us up this morning. We are grateful for our health, our homes, transportation, food, for supplying all our needs and for protecting us through the night. Now LORD, order are steps today GOD, Tell us where to go, what to do, what to say, what not to say,  and how to do it. We come lifting up those that are lost and less fortunate than us. We are praying, asking Father that you strengthen families that have lost love ones, that you send aid to the sick, the homeless , those in jails, nursing homes, hospitals, those that are struggling with Addictions, those that are in Third World countries that don’t even have clean water to drink and no shoes to put on their feet. Father, we come praying for those that are being sold into sex trafficking and human trafficking. We are praying for this Nation and the body of Christ, the Labors of the Gospel and  for the peace of Israel and Jerusalem. In JESUS name, Amen.πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½


When temptation knocks at your door, don't answer. It may offer a shortcut to your dreams, but there is a high price to pay. For GOD our father will your strength you when you are weak. Look to him as your tower of strength to resist the temptation, and take GOD hand and follow him away from it. God will restore your faith and give you courage to overcome temptation so that your walk will be easy with him. And your commitment to him will please the father and you get stronger in your faith walk and have power to over come. In him we Win 

Ephesians 6:10-18 

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, ..

James 1:14 

But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire.

James 4:17 

So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.

Closing  prayer: 

Have a blessed Day family, friends and love ones. Know that JESUS saves and he loves you. When the world leaves you standing alone or turn their backs on you, JESUS is right there. He got your back, your side and front, if you stay connected. Remember, today to be slow to speak . Hold your tongue speak life . Just obey his word. No matter what, you can bear it. Yes, he is Jehovah Jireh, GOD will make away out of no way. Just know that the father is with you.  If at first you don’t succeed, get back up and try it again. GOD got our back. And know that it’s all working for your good. GOD is working it out.  Now let's get all in with GOD. Please know on everything that GOD will never change up on us. We change up on him but he remains faithful. Get to know him. Try him. He is the truth. And Whatever the Lord tells you to do, just do it. All we have belongs to GOD. And keep trusting GOD. Just Know this, GOD remains the same. And with that being said, know that we can count on him no matter what , and may the peace of GOD be with you today. We ask all this in JESUS name I pray, Amen 

JESUS is my Everything 


The Spirit of Generosity: :


Words of Wisdom : 

The Spirit of Generosity: :

Generosity as a practice stumped scientists for years; the fact that people will share their money, food, energy, and time, even when resources are scarce, seems to go against our basic human instinct for survival. Recently, however, research has begun to explain what many people understand in their hearts: Generosity is good for both the giver and the receiver.helping other is a leading in more ways then one. Let GOD use you and be a blessing to someone by giving your time. Your ear. Your hands, your resources , your talent. What ever you have or can do, Do it for every good and perfect gift come from above. And we must be good stewards over everything GOD has entrusted  as with. 

I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver.

- Maya Angelou

Money is not the only commodity that is fun to give. We can give time, we can give our expertise, we can give our love, or simply give a smile.

-Steve Goodier, motivational writer

Think of giving not as a duty, but as a privilege.

-John D. Rockefeller Jr.

Generosity is the most natural outward expression of an inner attitude of compassion and loving-kindness.

- Dalai Lama

It is a powerful practice to be generous when you are the one feeling in need.

-Allan Lokos, meditation teacher

Happiness is not made by what we own. It is what we share.

-Jonathan Sacks, 

Money is but one venue for generosity. Kindness is an even more valuable currency.

-Alan Cohen, inspirational

 Scriptures on Giving

2 Corinthians 9:7 

Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Luke 6:38 

Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”

Acts 20:35 

In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

2 Corinthians 9:6 

The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.

Malachi 3:10 

Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.

1 Timothy 6:17-19 

As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.

Matthew 6:1-4 

“Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. “Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.

Proverbs 3:27 

Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.

Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need.

- Khalil Gibran, poet and artist

Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity.

- Simone We

Sometimes when we are generous in small, barely detectable ways, it can change someone else's life forever.

- Margaret Cho

We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.

- Unknown

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Things are Different

Words of Wisdom:  

Things are Different 

SCRIPTURE:  ‭‭2 Corinthians 5:17 

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Isaiah 43:18-19 

“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

I 2 Corinthians 5:17 

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.

Jeremiah 29:11 

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Isaiah 43:18-19 

“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

Morning Prayer: 

Good Morning Heavenly Father, we come thanking you for this Sunday Morning we will praise you today for waking us up this morning. We are truly bless for giving another day . Which means another chance to get it right . We are grateful for our health, our homes, transportation, food, for supplying all our needs and for protecting us through the night. Now LORD, order are steps today GOD, Tell us where to go, what to do, what to say, what not to say,  and how to do it. We come lifting up those that are lost and less fortunate than us. We are praying, asking Father that you strengthen families that have lost love ones, that you send aid to the sick, the homeless , those in jails, nursing homes, hospitals, those that are struggling with Addictions, those that are in Third World countries that don’t even have clean water to drink and no shoes to put on their feet. Father, we come praying for those that are being sold into sex trafficking and human trafficking. We are praying for this Nation and the body of Christ, the Labors of the Gospel and  for the peace of Israel and Jerusalem. In JESUS name, Amen.πŸ™πŸ½


Father I’m so grateful that all things all Brand New in you we get a do over. When Let go and let you control the direction and path we take . Surrendering all. Father GOD , I thank You for being there for me when I felt like I had no one!!Because of Your love, I am new. I think differently and I love differently.I react differently when test come and I get Attack I can walk it out and respond differently. Father please Continue to walk with me on this journey that's been perfectly drafted by You! I submit myself to You because You are the only one that knows the fullness of my purpose. As I walk with You, clear my mind of distractions, shield me from attacks, and draw me close to you and give the strength to keep pressing and pushing . Because Your plans are foolproof, it gives me so much peace when I surrender all to you and let you take control . Im setting my thoughts on overcoming every trial that prepares me for every victory!I love you and I will always give You honor and praise. Thanks be to GOD the all powerful GOD I know you Got me no matter what , I’m Winning# Blessed 

Ephesians 4:22-24 

To put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.

Closing prayer: 

Have a blessed Day family, friends and love ones. Know that JESUS saves and he loves you. When the world leaves you standing alone or turn their backs on you, JESUS is right there. He got your back, your side and front, if you stay connected. Remember, today things are different when we give it to GOD . Just obey his word. No matter what, you can bear it. Yes, he is Jehovah Jireh, GOD will make away out of no way. Just know that the father is with you.  If at first you don’t succeed, get back up and try it again. GOD got our back. And know that it’s all working for your good. GOD is working it out.  Now let's get all in with GOD. Please know on everything that GOD will never change up on us. We change up on him but he remains faithful. Get to know him. Try him. He is the truth. And Whatever the Lord tells you to do, just do it. All we have belongs to GOD. And keep trusting GOD. Just Know this, GOD remains the same. And with that being said, know that we can count on him no matter what , and may the peace of GOD be with you today. Take time to relax , Refuel , Recharge, refuses, for this week . Last take this week and do great and Amazing things for the Kingdom of GOD .  We ask all this in JESUS name I pray, Amen 

JESUS is my Everything 



Saturday, November 26, 2022

No Trippin No Slippin

 Words of Wisdom:  

No Trippin No Slippin

SCRIPTURE:  Psalm 121:3 

He will not let your foot slip he who watches over you will not slumber

Morning Prayer: 

Good Morning Heavenly Father, we come thanking you for this day of life and for waking us up this morning. We are grateful for our health, our homes, transportation, food, for supplying all our needs and for protecting us through the night. Now LORD, order are steps today GOD, Tell us where to go, what to do, what to say, what not to say,  and how to do it. We come lifting up those that are lost and less fortunate than us. We are praying, asking Father that you strengthen families that have lost love ones, that you send aid to the sick, the homeless , those in jails, nursing homes, hospitals, those that are struggling with Addictions, those that are in Third World countries that don’t even have clean water to drink and no shoes to put on their feet. Father, we come praying for those that are being sold into sex trafficking and human trafficking. We are praying for this Nation and the body of Christ, the Labors of the Gospel and  for the peace of Israel and Jerusalem. In JESUS name, Amen.πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½


Father thank you that as of day there will be No more Trippin and No more Slippin’Lord, I thank you for never overlooking me. You see my hard days And chose to send me encouragement. Even when I'm Slippin You see my struggles and bless me with Your strength. You see my heartfelt desire to be better  And You close doors that keep me from You.  So I'm no trippin about it I'm let them doors stay closed. Yes Lord! I’m so grateful You told me to live for You because it draws me closer to you instead of doing deeds for man’s recognition.  I'm look only to please you and get your approval not man's When I do right with genuine intention, it’s a guarantee it will be blessed by You. You don’t miss a thing in my life so I'm not Trippin what people think I'm living for you. You’re the only one that can give me the salvation, health, favor, mercy and graces that I need to stay committed to Your will. Thank you for always holding me down through good and gritty times! Even when I trippin in my mess and over the things in this world. I'm Not slipping no more nor I'm in trippin I'm all in yes Lord. # Blessed

Closing prayer: 

Have a blessed Day family, friends and love ones. Know that JESUS saves and he loves you. When the world leaves you standing alone or turn their backs on you, JESUS is right there. He got your back, your side and front, if you stay connected. Remember, today to be slow to speak . Hold your tongue speak life . Just obey his word. No matter what, you can bear it. Yes, he is Jehovah Jireh, GOD will make away out of no way. Just know that the father is with you.  If at first you don’t succeed, get back up and try it again. GOD got our back. And know that it’s all working for your good. GOD is working it out.  Now let's get all in with GOD. Please know on everything that GOD will never change up on us. We change up on him but he remains faithful. Get to know him. Try him. He is the truth. And Whatever the Lord tells you to do, just do it. All we have belongs to GOD. And keep trusting GOD. Just Know this, GOD remains the same. And with that being said, know that we can count on him no matter what , and may the peace of GOD be with you today. We ask all this in JESUS name I pray, Amen 

JESUS is my Everything 


Friday, November 25, 2022

Words Have Power


Words of Wisdom:  

Words Have Power:

SCRIPTURE:   Psalm 34:13-14 

Keep thy tongue from evil, And thy lips from speaking guile. Depart from evil, and do good; Seek peace, and pursue it.

Morning Prayer: 

Good Morning Heavenly Father, we come thanking you for this day of life and for waking us up this morning. We are grateful for our health, our homes, transportation, food, for supplying all our needs and for protecting us through the night. Now LORD, order are steps today GOD, Tell us where to go, what to do, what to say, what not to say,  and how to do it. We come lifting up those that are lost and less fortunate than us. We are praying, asking Father that you strengthen families that have lost love ones, that you send aid to the sick, the homeless , those in jails, nursing homes, hospitals, those that are struggling with Addictions, those that are in Third World countries that don’t even have clean water to drink and no shoes to put on their feet. Father, we come praying for those that are being sold into sex trafficking and human trafficking. We are praying for this Nation and the body of Christ, the Labors of the Gospel and  for the peace of Israel and Jerusalem. In JESUS name, Amen.πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½


Father I have learn how much my Words Have Power to change anything or stop anything. Really our words can create life or bring death in our situations . Father I’m so very careful of my words and the words I let be spoken to me . It’s really not a game . We have to be very , I mean very careful of the words we speak and allow to be spoken to us . Father GOD Now I see why you said in your word to guard our hearts and minds ,Because it affects everything we do or say . Lord, please forgive me for putting negative words in the atmosphere because my words have the power to speak life or death when they're released from my mouth.I need You to tame my tongue so I think before I speak. Or react to anything father I never want to offend someone or cause pain because I said something led by my feelings or Emotions . I know that Emotion are good but when I don't give myself time to think of the response, it can quickly go south. The consequence of speaking too hastily causes more disruption than intended because everyone receives things differently. And words spoken can cut and cause great pain . Father GOD Teach me how to control my emotions and pause before I express myself. I'm here to uplift Your kingdom And show the love of Jesus to all I come in contact with , No matter how I feel or what the situation is Father Hold me accountable to honor the mission and assignment You've placed before me; the mission to love and to be like You. I-want to overflow with love and joy so, I speak encouraging words to everyone.Teach me how to hold my peace and let you fight my battles even in my angry or when I’m upset I still want to be in your will and not my own . I want walk in love at all times . I will use my mouth to speak life and bring healing and deliverances . Yes LORD . 

Proverbs 21:23 

Watch your words and hold your tongue; you'll save yourself a lot of grief. You know their names Brash, Impudent, Blasphemer intemperate hotheads, everyone

Closing prayer: 

Have a blessed Day family, friends and love ones. Know that JESUS saves and he loves you. When the world leaves you standing alone or turn their backs on you, JESUS is right there. He got your back, your side and front, if you stay connected. Remember, today to be slow to speak . Hold your tongue speak life . Just obey his word. No matter what, you can bear it. Yes, he is Jehovah Jireh, GOD will make away out of no way. Just know that the father is with you.  If at first you don’t succeed, get back up and try it again. GOD got our back. And know that it’s all working for your good. GOD is working it out.  Now let's get all in with GOD. Please know on everything that GOD will never change up on us. We change up on him but he remains faithful. Get to know him. Try him. He is the truth. And Whatever the Lord tells you to do, just do it. All we have belongs to GOD. And keep trusting GOD. Just Know this, GOD remains the same. And with that being said, know that we can count on him no matter what , and may the peace of GOD be with you today. We ask all this in JESUS name I pray, Amen 

JESUS is my Everything 


Thursday, November 24, 2022

Greater Than Mines

Words of Wisdom:  

Greater Than Mines


For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD.

Morning Prayer: 

Good Morning And happy Thanksgiving , Family , Freiend and love ones Lets take a moment this morning and go to the Father in prayer .  Heavenly Father, we come thanking you for this day of life and for waking us up this morning and Thanksgiving day . We are grateful for our health, our homes, transportation, food, for supplying all our needs and for protecting us through the night. Some don’t have a home or no one to share this day with . Or no food to eat. Father place our hearts to bless some with a meal and a little love and encouragement, and letting them know that things will get better . Now LORD, order are steps today GOD, Tell us where to go, what to do, what to say, what not to say,  and how to do it. We come lifting up those that are lost and less fortunate than us. We are praying, asking Father that you strengthen families that have lost love ones, that you send aid to the sick, the homeless , those in jails, nursing homes, hospitals, those that are struggling with Addictions, those that are in Third World countries that don’t even have clean water to drink and no shoes to put on their feet. Father, we come praying for those that are being sold into sex trafficking and human trafficking. We are praying for this Nation and the body of Christ, the Labors of the Gospel and  for the peace of Israel and Jerusalem. In JESUS name, Amen.πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½


Father I now understand that your thoughts and ways are Greater Than Mines. My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways like my ways, When things don't happen the way I plan, I'll remember You told me Your thoughts, plans and ways are greater than mine.The difference between where I stand and where You are is the power You have to already know how well everything will work out!And you all ready have work the plan out. You've already drafted my life You've already made BIG promises that I believe You'll keep all the days of my life.tgats why I can be at peace in the middle of a storm. But I'm also thankful for all you done. And will do. But I'm thanking for this day. It's not about the food or even the sales we can get on black Friday. It's about being thankful and grateful for family and friends and love ones we have to spend time with and show love and appreciation for them. I want to embrace my now, instead of trippin' about the next. You have everything in Your hands! Keep leading me and doing what's best for me! I thank You for all that You know and do.Nothing compares to the plans You have for me! I'm trusting you all the way. # so thankful #so Blessed 

Closing prayer: 

Have a blessed Day family, friends and love ones. Know that JESUS saves and he loves you. When the world leaves you standing alone or turn their backs on you, JESUS is right there. He got your back, your side and front, if you stay connected. Remember, today to be thankful and grateful . Just obey his word. No matter what, you can bear it. Yes, he is Jehovah Jireh, GOD will make away out of no way. Just know that the father is with you.  If at first you don’t succeed, get back up and try it again. GOD got our back. And know that it’s all working for your good. GOD is working it out.  Now let's get all in with GOD. Please know on everything that GOD will never change up on us. We change up on him but he remains faithful. Get to know him. Try him. He is the truth. And Whatever the Lord tells you to do, just do it. All we have belongs to GOD. And keep trusting GOD. Just Know this, GOD remains the same. And with that being said, know that we can count on him no matter what , and may the peace of GOD be with you today. We ask all this in JESUS name I pray, Amen 

JESUS is my Everything 


Sunday, November 20, 2022

Its not about Us

 Words of Wisdom:  

Its Not About Us: 

SCRIPTURE:  ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭27:14‬ ‭

“Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.”

Definition of “About”: 

On the subject of; concerning. I was thinking about you. 

Morning Prayer:  

Good morning Heavenly Father,We come thanking you for this day of life and for this day of life and for waking us up this morning. We are grateful for our health, our homes, transportation, food, for supplying all our needs and for protecting us through the night. Now LORD, order are steps today GOD, Tell us where to go, what to do, what to say, what not to say,  and how to do it. We come lifting up those that are lost and less fortunate than us. We are praying, asking Father that you strengthen families that have lost love ones, that you send aid to the sick, the homeless , those in jails, nursing homes, hospitals, those that are struggling with Addictions, those that are in Third World countries that don’t even have clean water to drink and no shoes to put on their feet. Father, we come praying for those that are being sold into sex trafficking and human trafficking. We are praying for this Nation and the body of Christ, the Labors of the Gospel and  for the peace of Israel and Jerusalem. In JESUS name, Amen.πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½


Father, thank you for letting me grow to see and understand that it's not all about me GOD. Thank you that when I’m called, it’s not about what I can do  because You know me better than I know myself.  In my own capabilities, things are missed or concerns drive me up the wall; but when I seek You, follow You and listen to You, miracles that I couldn’t have dreamed of flow into my life!  Thank you for making my  assignments about You and not me. You choose to operate through me because You want to use me to allow Your greatness to shine.  It’s because of the tough times,  I’m drawn to be about You more than ever before.  I’m using these opportunities to praise You in the midst of any burden I can’t make sense of.  You are my reason to keep going and push through! In Jesus name I pray.

Closing prayer: 

Have a blessed Day family, friends and love ones. Know that JESUS saves and he loves you. When the world leaves you standing alone or turn their backs on you, JESUS is right there. He got your back, your side and front, if you stay connected. Remember, today it’s not about us, it’s about JESUS and the assignment. Just obey his word. No matter what, you can bear it. Yes, he is Jehovah Jireh, GOD will make away out of no way. Just know that the father is with you.  If at first you don’t succeed, get back up and try it again. GOD got our back. And know that it’s all working for your good. GOD is working it out.  Now let's get all in with GOD. Please know on everything that GOD will never change up on us. We change up on him but he remains faithful. Get to know him. Try him. He is the truth. And Whatever the Lord tells you to do, just do it. All we have belongs to GOD. And keep trusting GOD. Just Know this, GOD remains the same. And with that being said, know that we can count on him no matter what , and may the peace of GOD be with you today. We ask all this in JESUS name I pray, Amen 

JESUS is my Everything 


Saturday, November 19, 2022

Grace and Faith

 Words of Wisdom:  

Having  Grace and Faith : 

SCRIPTURE:  Psalm 37:23 

The LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him. 

Definition of Faith : 

complete trust or confidence in someone or something. this restores one's faith in politicians"

Definition of grace: 

grace, in Christian theology, the spontaneous, unmerited gift of the divine favour in the salvation of sinners, and the divine influence operating in individuals for their regeneration and sanctification

Morning Prayer: 

Good Morning Heavenly Father we come thanking you for this  day of life for waking us up this morning, we are grateful, for our health , our homes, for transportation, and food . for supplying all our needs . And for protecting us through the night. Now LORD, order are steps today GOD , tell us where to go , what to do , what to say and what not to say,  and how to do it . we come lifting up those that are lost and less fortunate then us , we are praying asking father that you strengthen families that lost love ones  , that you send Aid to the sick, the homeless , those in jails , nursing homes hospitals , those that are struggling with Addictions, those that are in Third World countries that don’t even have clean water to drink no shoes to put on their feet , father we come praying for those that are been sold in to sex trafficking and human trafficking, we praying for this Nation and the body of Christ the Labors of the Gospel and  for the peace of Israel and Jerusalem, in JESUS name .πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½


God, I'm grateful I'm walking into this new season with breath in my body, grace on my back, faith in my heart and You by my side!There's no better way to embrace a new season than this! Thank you for positioning me for Kingdom success and mind-blowing blessings. Instead of asking You to make me a new person, I pray You remind me of the wisdom I've gained and the strength I've gotten from battles You've fought for me. Who I am today is enough! I praise You for being my Rock and Refuge that will continue to mold me with each new day, so I can live out the great plans You promised me. The best is yet to come! In Jesus name I pray

Closing prayer: 

Have a blessed Day family, friends and love ones , know that JESUS saves and he loves you and when the world leaves you standing alone or turn there backs on you JESUS is right there  . He got your back ,your side and front , if you stay connected .And Remember today to keep the faith and know that GOD gives us grace   . Just Obey his word . No matter what you can bear it   . Yes he is  Jehovah Jireh, GOD will make away out of no way . just know that the father is with you. if at first you don’t succeed , get back up and try it again . GOD got our back . And know that it’s all working for your good . GOD is working it out .  Now Lets get all in with GOD please know on ever thing . That GOD will never changes up on us . We change up on him but he remain faithful. Get to know him . Try him , He is the truth . And What ever the Lord tells you  to do . just Do it . All we have belongs to GOD . And keep trusting GOD . Just Know this that GOD remains the same . And with that being said . Know that we can count on him no matter what , and may the peace of GOD be with you today . And we ask all this in JESUS name I pray Amen 

JESUS is my Everything 


Thursday, November 17, 2022


 Words of Wisdom:  

Give Me Fire and Desire:

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 20:4

May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.

Definition of Fire :

A state, process, or instance of combustion in which fuel or other material is ignited and combined with oxygen, giving off light, heat, and flame. a burning mass of material, as on a hearth or in a furnace. the destructive burning of a building, town, forest, etc.; conflagration.

Definition of Desire : 

to desire" in the Scriptures usually means "to long for," "to ask for," "to demand," and may be used in a good or bad sense 

God's desire is that man yield completely to Him and cooperate wholeheartedly with Him for the highest of all beings and of the universe. Also, it is God's will to give to all men liberally without rebuking them for asking any and everything in line with the promise that they want or need for their good and His glory.

Morning Prayer: 

Good Morning Heavenly Father we come thanking you for this  day of life for waking us up this morning,  we are grateful, for our health , our homes, for transportation, and food . for supplying all our needs . And for protecting us through the night. Now LORD, order are steps today GOD , tell us where to go , what to do , what to say and what not to say,  and how to do it . we come lifting up those that are lost and less fortunate then us , we are praying asking father that you strengthen families that lost love ones  , that you send Aid to the sick, the homeless , those in jails , nursing homes hospitals , those that are struggling with Addictions, those that are in Third World countries that don’t even have clean water to drink no shoes to put on their feet , father we come praying for those that are been sold in to sex trafficking and human trafficking, we praying for this Nation and the body of Christ the Labors of the Gospel and  for the peace of Israel and Jerusalem, in JESUS name .πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½


Father i want to have  Fire and Desire to serve you at all time in all situations no matter what .  GOD Your presence in my life has been proven time after time when I reflect on my story. There've been days where nothing was going right but You used a spontaneous moment to turn it around. And I can't deny the breakthroughs in areas I needed. to witness You at work in my life. Now that I know You are alive and real I'm taking my praise, prayers, and patience to new levels! Push me to seek You more, wait for Your confirmation more call on You for any need, more. This is my season of commitment, execution gratitude with every idea You give me.and  I trust You to align my steps as long as I stay on course with You. It's my season and I'm coming for everything You ordain! I’m all in and will keep the fire and Desire In JESUS name I pray,

Closing prayer: 

Have a blessed Day family, friends and love ones , know that JESUS saves and he loves you and when the world leaves you standing alone or turn there backs on you JESUS is right there  . He got your back ,your side and front , if you stay connected .And Remember today to get a fire and desire for GOD always . Just Obey his word . No matter what you can bear it   . Yes he is  Jehovah Jireh, GOD will make away out of no way . just know that the father is with you. if at first you don’t succeed , get back up and try it again . GOD got our back . And know that it’s all working for your good . GOD is working it out .  Now Lets get all in with GOD please know on ever thing . That GOD will never changes up on us . We change up on him but he remain faithful. Get to know him . Try him , He is the truth . And What ever the Lord tells you  to do . just Do it . All we have belongs to GOD . And keep trusting GOD . Just Know this that GOD remains the same . And with that being said . Know that we can count on him no matter what , and may the peace of GOD be with you today . And we ask all this in JESUS name I pray Amen 

JESUS is my Everything 


Wednesday, November 16, 2022

What Would JESUS Do

 Words of Wisdom:  

What Would Jesus Do: 


But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving,

considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.

Noon Day Prayer: 

Good afternoon Heavenly Father we come this afternoon thanking you for this  day of life for waking us up this morning, In our right mind and with a thankful heart . We are grateful, for our health , our homes, for transportation, and food . for supplying all our needs . Father GOD And for protecting us through the night. Now LORD, order are steps today GOD , tell us where to go , what to do , what to say and what not to say,  and how to do it . Give wisdom Lord. We come lifting up those that are lost and less fortunate then us , we are praying asking father that you strengthen families that lost love ones  , that you send Aid to the sick, the homeless , those in jails , nursing homes and hospitals , those that are struggling with Addictions, those that are in Third World countries that don’t even have clean water to drink no shoes to put on their feet , Father  we come praying for those that are been sold in to sex trafficking and human trafficking, we pray for this Nation and the body of Christ the Labors of the of the Gospel and  for the peace of Israel and Jerusalem, in JESUS name .πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½


Father GOD I find my self asking What Would JESUS Do? When circumstances don't go my way,When times get hard .When I feel like my back is up against the wall . I want to have a 'WW]D?' (What Would Jesus Do?) perspective first and foremost. You always considered the teachings of the Word and the power of the Holy Spirit above Your own limited view when You lived down here. I pray for the same diligence with everything I face. I have no reason to rush through the process when You are behind the scenes. Choosing patience over haste can change the outcome and ease the process. I want to live like You, Jesus! Fill my mind and mouth with wisdom no matter how things look. I believe things will change when I seek Your will instead of my own.In JESUS  name I pray,

Closing prayer: 

Have a blessed Day family, friends and love ones , know that JESUS saves and he loves you and when the world leaves you standing alone or turn there backs on you JESUS is right there  . He got your back your side and your front , If you stay connected .And Remember today to stop before reacting and have a WWJD / What Would JESUS DO  moment  . Just Obey his word . No matter what you can bear it   . Yes he is  Jehovah Jireh, GOD will make away out of no way . Jehovah Shalom our peace and wholeness no matter what just know that the father is with you. if at first you don’t succeed , get back up and try it again . GOD got our back . And Believe that it’s all working for your good . GOD is working it out .  Now Lets do a do over and give to GOD and trust to do the rest. And please know on ever thing . That GOD will never changes up on us . We change up on him but he remain faithful. Get to know him . Try him , He is the truth . And What ever the Lord tells you  to do . just Do it . All we have belongs to GOD . And keep trusting GOD . Just Know this that GOD remains the same . And with that being said . Know that we can count on him no matter what , and may the peace of GOD be with you today . And we ask all this in JESUS name I pray Amen 

JESUS is my Everything 


Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Increase and Release

Words of Wisdom:  

Increase and Release :

SCRIPTURE: Luke 9:16-17

Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke them. Then he gave them to the disciples to distribute to the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.

Definition of Increase: 

become or make greater in size, amount, intensity, or degree.car use is increasing at an alarming rate

Definition of Release: 

allow or enable to escape from confinement; set free

Morning Prayer: 

Good Morning Heavenly Father we come this Morning thanking you for this  day of life for waking us up this morning, In our right mind and with a thankful heart . We are grateful, for our health , our homes, for transportation, and food . for supplying all our needs . Father GOD And for protecting us through the night. Now LORD, order are steps today GOD , tell us where to go , what to do , what to say and what not to say,  and how to do it . Give wisdom Lord. We come lifting up those that are lost and less fortunate then us , we are praying asking father that you strengthen families that lost love ones  , that you send Aid to the sick, the homeless , those in jails , nursing homes and hospitals , those that are struggling with Addictions, those that are in Third World countries that don’t even have clean water to drink no shoes to put on their feet , Father  we come praying for those that are been sold in to sex trafficking and human trafficking, we pray for this Nation and the body of Christ the Labors of the of the Gospel and  for the peace of Israel and Jerusalem, in JESUS name .πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½


Father GOD, I thank you for the next level of increase. And for the things you allow to be released. You are the only one that meets and exceeds the need.I thank you for leaving nothing untouched when You tell me to surrender my all to You. I pray You give me strength to activate what's inside of me so Your power can be released in my life. With your help, the miracles that I seek will come to fruition in a way that is beyond anything I can imagine. Forgive me for holding on and sometimes hiding the gifts You've given me instead of giving them back to You. And being a blessing to others with what you bless me with. I need You more than I need anything that you can provide. I have come to point that with I can and will make it. No matter what .You are the source of my life! Have your way Lord. In Jesus name I pray,

Closing prayer: 

Have a blessed Day family, friends and love ones , know that JESUS saves and he loves you and when the world leaves you standing alone or turn there backs on you JESUS is right there  . He got your back your side and your front , If you stay connected .And Remember today to thank GOD for the Increase and for the release. Just Obey his word . No matter what you can bear it   . Yes he is  Jehovah Jireh, GOD will make away out of no way . Jehovah Shalom our peace and wholeness no matter what just know that the father is with you. if at first you don’t succeed , get back up and try it again . GOD got our back . And Believe that it’s all working for your good . GOD is working it out .  Now Lets do a do over and give to GOD and trust to do the rest. And please know on ever thing . That GOD will never changes up on us . We change up on him but he remain faithful. Get to know him . Try him , He is the truth . And What ever the Lord tells you  to do . just Do it . All we have belongs to GOD . And keep trusting GOD . Just Know this that GOD remains the same . And with that being said . Know that we can count on him no matter what , and may the peace of GOD be with you today . And we ask all this in JESUS name I pray Amen 

JESUS is my Everything 


Monday, November 14, 2022

The Best Is Yet TO Come


Words of Wisdom:

The Best Is Yet To Come : 

SCRIPTURE: Psalm 5:12 

Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.

Definition Best : 

of the most excellent, effective, or desirable type or quality.the best pitcher in the leagues. The best of what you do . 

Morning Prayer: 

Good Morning Everyone lets time out to pray and ask GOD to help us with what we are facing or dealing with. Heavenly Father we come thanking you for this  day of life for waking us up this morning, we are grateful, for our health , our homes, for transportation, and food . for supplying all our needs . And for protecting us through the night. Now LORD, order are steps today GOD , tell us where to go , what to do , what to say and what not to say,  and how to do it . we come lifting up those that are lost and less fortunate then us , we are praying asking father that you strengthen families that lost love ones  , that you send Aid to the sick, the homeless , those in jails , nursing homes hospitals , thoswe that are struggling with Addictions, those that are in Third World countries that don’t even have clean water to drink no shoes to put on their feet , father we come praying for those that are been sold in to sex trafficking and human trafficking, we prayer.  All this Nation and the body of Christ the Labors of the Labels of the Gospel and  for the peace of Israel and Jerusalem, in JESUS name .πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½


Father I’m so grateful that The Best Is Yet To Come , No matter how hard the trails are I know that you are working behind the senses . Lord I've been asking and believing, and now it's happening! I refuse to think "It's too good to be true!" Instead, I'm keeping my eyes focused on You! My prayers, fasting and diligence have not been in vain You are fulfilling every promise You've made over my life at the right time so I am prepared to receive, achieve and succeed! I may not understand the journey while I'm going through, but I will keep going. Glory is on the other side of the obstacles in my life! The best of all You have in store for me is yet to come.I’m standing on your promise the best is yet to come . Father, thank you for being so faithful in keeping Your word no matter what. Or how bad it gets you working it out I trust you GOD no matter what you are GOD and GOD alone there no body greater .  In Jesus name I pray. 

Closing prayer: 

Have a blessed Day family, friends and love ones , know that GOD loves you and JESUS saves and he loves you and when the world leaves you standing alone or turn there backs on you JESUS is right there  . He got your back your side and front , if you stay connected .And Remember today that the Best is yet to come . Just Obey his word . No matter what you can bear it   . Yes he is  Jehovah Jireh, GOD will make away out of no way . just know that the father is with you. if at first you don’t succeed , get back up and try it again . GOD got our back . And know that it’s all working for your good . GOD is working it out .  Now Lets do a do over and get this thing popping And please know on ever thing . That GOD will never changes up on us . We change up on him but he remain faithful. Get to know him . Try him , He is the truth . And What ever the Lord tells you  to do . just Do it . All we have belongs to GOD . And keep trusting GOD . Just Know this that GOD remains the same . And with that being said . Know that we can count on him no matter what , and may the peace of GOD be with you today . And we ask all this in JESUS name I pray Amen 

JESUS is my Everything 


Sunday, November 13, 2022

Worship is our Weapon


Words Of Wisdom:

Worship is our Weapon:

Hebrew :12:28-20 

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our GOD consuming fire.

2 Chronicles 20:22 

And when they began to sing and praise, the Lord set an ambush against the men of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, who had come against Judah, so that they were routed.

Psalm 59:16 

But I will sing of your strength; I will sing aloud of your steadfast love in the morning. For you have been to me a fortress and a refuge in the day of my distress.

Definition of Worship: 

the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity. the worship of God

Morning Prayer: 

Good Morning Heavenly Father we come this Sunday Morning thanking you for this  day of life for waking us up this morning, I our right mind and with a thankful heart . We are grateful, for our health , our homes, for transportation, and food . for supplying all our needs . And for protecting us through the night. Now LORD, order are steps today GOD , tell us where to go , what to do , what to say and what not to say,  and how to do it . we come lifting up those that are lost and less fortunate then us , we are praying asking father that you strengthen families that lost love ones  , that you send Aid to the sick, the homeless , those in jails , nursing homes hospitals , those that are struggling with Addictions, those that are in Third World countries that don’t even have clean water to drink no shoes to put on their feet , father we come praying for those that are been sold in to sex trafficking and human trafficking, we prayer.  All this Nation and the body of Christ the Labors of the Labels of the Gospel and  for the peace of Israel and Jerusalem, in JESUS name .πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½


Father GOD I thank you that I know and see how Worship is my Weapon. When I'm down I need to worship! When I'm up I need to worship! When I’m down I need to Worship ! When I'm stuck I need to worship! When I’m confuse I needed to Worship ! When times gets hard I need to Worship ! Father Build me up to always use worship as my weapon! I want to worship You no matter what it looks like or feels like, Lord God! Strengthen me to fight with my worship and with Your Word. I'm committed to what You can do when I make You the head of my life and live out Matthew 6:33 in all my ways. I believe You will fight every battle and make sure the enemy is confused about my worship while You do it.And work it out . I know you got it GOD  Let everything within me praise You because I trust in You and I know You won't let me down! This is my declaration to fight the way You called me to! In Jesus name I pray,

Closing prayer: 

Have a blessed Day family, friends and love ones , know that JESUS saves and he loves you and when the world leaves you standing alone or turn there backs on you JESUS is right there  . He got your back your side and front , if you stay connected .And Remember today that Worship is your Weapon . Just Obey his word . No matter what you can bear it   . Yes he is  Jehovah Jireh, GOD will make away out of no way . just know that the father is with you. if at first you don’t succeed , get back up and try it again . GOD got our back . And know that it’s all working for your good . GOD is working it out .  Now Lets do a do over and get this thing popping And please know on ever thing . That GOD will never changes up on us . We change up on him but he remain faithful. Get to know him . Try him , He is the truth . And What ever the Lord tells you  to do . just Do it . All we have belongs to GOD . And keep trusting GOD . Just Know this that GOD remains the same . And with that being said . Know that we can count on him no matter what , and may the peace of GOD be with you today . And we ask all this in JESUS name I pray Amen 

JESUS is my Everything 


Saturday, November 12, 2022

Obedience is Better


Words of Wisdom:  

Obedience is Better: 


Psalm 119:57-58 

You are my portion, Lord; I have promised to obey your words. I have sought your face with all my heart; be gracious to me according to your promise

James 1:22-25 

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like. But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing.

Definition of Obedience :

compliance with an order, request, or law or submission to another's authority.children were taught to show their parents obedience

Morning Prayer: 

Good Morning Heavenly Father we come thanking you for this  day of life for waking us up this morning, we are grateful, for our health , our homes, for transportation, and food . for supplying all our needs . And for protecting us through the night. Now LORD, order are steps today GOD , tell us where to go , what to do , what to say and what not to say,  and how to do it . we come lifting up those that are lost and less fortunate then us , we are praying asking father that you strengthen families that lost love ones  , that you send Aid to the sick, the homeless , those in jails , nursing homes hospitals , those that are struggling with Addictions, those that are in Third World countries that don’t even have clean water to drink no shoes to put on their feet , father we come praying for those that are been sold in to sex trafficking and human trafficking, we prayer.  All this Nation and the body of Christ the Labors of the Labels of the Gospel and  for the peace of Israel and Jerusalem, in JESUS name .πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½


Father GOD I know that I pray for a spirit of obedience and you  said that obedience is better than sacrifice. Father GOD as I think back over my thoughts and actions. I confess my lack of obedience  and discipline that has kept me from experiencing Your perfect will and that’s not the life I want. I believe every time I obey the simple instructions You give me, I will be trusted with more. I pray that in moments of hesitation I am blessed with courage from the Holy Spirit to follow through despite what I do or don’t see. Father I’m thanking you for keep showing up in my life no matter how I feel . Or what it may seem to be working against me . I will keep press my way no matter what it looks like or feel like I know You wouldn’t lead me astray and I trust You to guide every step You’ve already ordained for my life I know that there may be some major mountains and milestones connected to my obedience that I desire in This lifetime. Let Your voice be the only thing that fills my mind when I listen so I will obey you father and follow the path you have given me and not allow distractions or delays to deter me or to make me lose my faith. Cause I know you got this GOD . thank you father for this revelation to your word and the blessing in follow it. It's in JESUS name I pray, 

Closing prayer: 

Have a blessed Day family, friends and love ones , know that JESUS saves and he loves you and when the world leaves you standing alone or turn there backs on you JESUS is right there  . He got your back your side and front , if you stay connected .And Remember today that obedience is better than sacrifice. Just Obey his word . No matter what you can bear it   . Yes he is  Jehovah Jireh, GOD will make away out of no way . just know that the father is with you. if at first you don’t succeed , get back up and try it again . GOD got our back . And know that it’s all working for your good . GOD is working it out .  Now Lets do a do over and get this thing popping And please know on ever thing . That GOD will never changes up on us . We change up on him but he remain faithful. Get to know him . Try him , He is the truth . And What ever the Lord tells you  to do . just Do it . All we have belongs to GOD . And keep trusting GOD . Just Know this that GOD remains the same . And with that being said . Know that we can count on him no matter what , and may the peace of GOD be with you today . And we ask all this in JESUS name I pray Amen 

JESUS is my Everything 


Friday, November 4, 2022

I’m Able To Bear it

Words of Wisdom:  

Im Able To Bear It: 


1 Corinthians 10:13 

No trial has overtaken you that is not faced by others. And God is faithful: He will not let you be tried beyond what you are able to bear, but with the trial will also provide a way out so that you may be able to endure it.

Definition of Bear  :

a condition that is difficult to endure; suffering; deprivation; oppression. a life of hardship. an instance or cause of this; something hard to bear, as a deprivation, lack of comfort, or constant toil or danger

Morning Prayer: 

Good Morning Everyone lets take  time out to pray and bless GOD and to give some Gratitude and Thanksgiving for all that God has done and will do and also to Cast all our burdens on him and ask GOD to help us with what we are facing or dealing with. Heavenly Father we come thanking you for this  day of life for waking us up this morning, we are grateful, for our health , our homes, for transportation, and food . for supplying all our needs . And for protecting us through the night. Now LORD, order are steps today GOD , tell us where to go , what to do , what to say and what not to say,  and how to do it . we come lifting up those that are lost and less fortunate then us , we are praying asking father that you strengthen families that lost love ones  , that you send Aid to the sick, the homeless , those in jails , nursing homes hospitals , thoswe that are struggling with Addictions, those that are in Third World countries that don’t even have clean water to drink no shoes to put on their feet , father we come praying for those that are been sold in to sex trafficking and human trafficking, we prayer.  All this Nation and the body of Christ the Labors of the Labels of the Gospel and  for the peace of Israel and Jerusalem, in JESUS name .πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½


Father thank that I’m Able To Bear It. Every thing that the enemy tries me with.  No trial will overtaken me as long as I keep waking in faith and trusting you Lord . Father, thank You for always meeting me where I am! You bring me out of anything and everything no matter how bad I think it is. When I'm confused, You send me direction.And the wisdom on how to handle it  and  When I'm lonely, You give me comfort. When I'm selfish, You remind me everything belongs to You. I'm so grateful You choose to clean me up and show me the right way just because You love me. I pray for a renewed mind and spirit that recognizes ways I can be more like You every day of my life. I want the fullest You have for me and the blessing of being a reflection of who You are in me. You are the greatest role model I could ever have.In Jesus name I pray,

Closing prayer: 

Have a blessed Day family, friends and love ones , know that JESUS saves and he loves you and when the world leaves you standing alone or turn there backs on you JESUS is right there  . He got your back your side and front , if you stay connected .And Remember today that you can bear it   . Yes he is  Jehovah Jireh, just know that the father is with you. if at first you don’t succeed , get back up and try it again . GOD got our back . And know that it’s all working for your good . GOD is working it out .  Now Lets do a do over and get this thing popping And please know on ever thing . That GOD will never changes up on us . We change up on him but he remain faithful. Get to know him . Try him , He is the truth . And What ever the Lord tells you  to do . just Do it . All we have belongs to GOD . And keep trusting GOD . Just Know this that GOD remains the same . And with that being said . Know that we can count on him no matter what , and may the peace of GOD be with you today . And we ask all this in JESUS name I pray Amen 

JESUS is my Everything 


Thursday, November 3, 2022

Walk In Love


Words of Wisdom:  


SCRIPTURE:1 Corinthians 13:4-5

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs

Definition of LOVE : 

Love involves affection, compassion, care, and self-sacrifice. Love originates in the Triune Godhead, within the eternal relationship that

Love is goodness that one chooses to do on behalf of another, and it ultimately relies on faith and hope in God. True love is humble, righteous, forgiving, .

Morning Prayer: 

Good Morning Everyone lets time out to pray and ask tell GOD what we are facing or dealing with. Heavenly Father we come thanking you for this  day of life for waking us up this morning, we are grateful, for our health , our homes, for transportation, and food . for supplying all our needs . And for protecting us through the night. Now LORD, order are steps today GOD , tell us where to go , what to do , what to say and what not to say,  and how to do it . we come lifting up those that are lost and less fortunate then us , we are praying asking father that you strengthen families that lost love ones  , that you send Aid to the sick, the homeless , those in jails , nursing homes hospitals , thoswe that are struggling with Addictions, those that are in Third World countries that don’t even have clean water to drink no shoes to put on their feet , father we come praying for those that are been sold in to sex trafficking and human trafficking, we prayer.  All this Nation and the body of Christ the Labors of the Labels of the Gospel and  for the peace of Israel and Jerusalem, in JESUS name .πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½


Father thanks for help through your word to learn how to walk in Love and how to love unconditionally Countless people in my life have changed and shown me how remarkable Your grace and favor can be. It’s proven time and time again that lives are changed when we humble ourselves, seek You and turn from our out-of-line ways. Through my commitment to You, my relationships are strengthened and it gets easier to say “I love you”, I’m sorry”, “I need you” and “thank you” – Genuine vulnerability is expressed and an intentional reconciliation flourishes. Even when someone act unloving or unkind to me . I’m all in love as the words say love your enemies, I release it to you . To work on them and I still have to walk in love no matter what . I love experiencing You through my loved ones. Thank you for living in us, Holy Spirit! Cover our lives and use me to encourage someone that needs more love and a little more grace. I love you JESUS. 

Closing prayer: 

Have a blessed Day family, friends and love ones , know that JESUS saves and he loves you and when the world leaves you standing alone or turn there backs on you JESUS is right there  . He got your back your side and front , if you stay connected .And Remember today to walk in love and learn how to love unconditionally . Yes he is  Jehovah Jireh, just know that the father is with you. if at first you don’t succeed , get back up and try it again . GOD got our back . And know that it’s all working for your good . GOD is working it out .  Now Lets do a do over and get this thing popping And please know on ever thing . That GOD will never changes up on us . We change up on him but he remain faithful. Get to know him . Try him , He is the truth . And What ever the Lord tells you  to do . just Do it . All we have belongs to GOD . And keep trusting GOD . Just Know this that GOD remains the same . And with that being said . Know that we can count on him no matter what , and may the peace of GOD be with you today . And we ask all this in JESUS name I pray Amen 

JESUS is my Everything 


Wednesday, November 2, 2022

He is Jehovah Jireh


Words of Wisdom:  

He Is Jehovah Jireh: 


SCRIPTURE: ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭22:14‬ ‭

And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah-jireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of Jehovah it shall be provided.


Definition of Jehovah Jireh:

Jehovah Jireh means “the Lord will provide,” and it's one of the most popular names for God


Morning Prayer: 

Good Morning Heavenly Father we come thanking you for this  day of life for waking us up this morning, we are grateful, for our health , our homes, for transportation, and food . for supplying all our needs . And for protecting us through the night. Now LORD, order are steps today GOD , tell us where to go , what to do , what to say and what not to say,  and how to do it . we come lifting up those that are lost and less fortunate then us , we are praying asking father that you strengthen families that lost love ones  , that you send Aid to the sick, the homeless , those in jails , nursing homes hospitals , those that are struggling with Addictions, those that are in Third World countries that don’t even have clean water to drink no shoes to put on their feet , father we come praying for those that are been sold in to sex trafficking and human trafficking, we prayer.  All this Nation and the body of Christ the Labors of the Labels of the Gospel and  for the peace of Israel and Jerusalem, in JESUS name .πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½


Father I’m so grateful to have you as  my Jehovah Jireh. When times get hard and things looking tight I remember that you are the IAm and you got it . I just keep the faith.  Lord forgive me for not coming to You for everything I want and need.  You are the God of heaven and earth,  yet I miss out on opportunities to be blessed by You because I get in my own way. Sometimes I try to do things on my own and sometimes I feel like my request isn’t worth being said. But through it all You wait for me  And stay ready to handle what I surrender to You. want You to be everything You want to be in my life.  Jehovah Jireh!  Jehovah Rapha! Jireh Shalom!  You are my Provider, Healer, and Peace. May Your will and abundance flow in every area of my life on this new day. I give You what You need to overflow. In Jesus name I pray, 

Closing prayer: 

Have a blessed Day family, friends and love ones , know that JESUS saves and he loves you and when the world leaves you standing alone or turn there backs on you JESUS is right there  . He got your back your side and front , if you stay connected .And Remember today that GOD is our provider and he makes ways out no way . Yes he is  Jehovah Jireh, just know that the father is with you. if at first you don’t succeed , get back up and try it again . GOD got our back . And know that it’s all working for your good . GOD is working it out .  Now Lets do a do over and get this thing popping And please know on ever thing . That GOD will never changes up on us . We change up on him but he remain faithful. Get to know him . Try him , He is the truth . And What ever the Lord tells you  to do . just Do it . All we have belongs to GOD . And keep trusting GOD . Just Know this that GOD remains the same . And with that being said . Know that we can count on him no matter what , and may the peace of GOD be with you today . And we ask all this in JESUS name I pray

JESUS is my Everything 


Tuesday, November 1, 2022


Words of Wisdom:  

 GOD Is With Me :


Deuteronomy 31:6 

Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.

Definition of :With Me 

following along with and understanding what one is saying, or Doing

Morning Prayer: 

Good Morning Heavenly Father we acknowledge that this is the day that you have made and given onto us and we’re thankful and grateful for it . Father we come thanking you for this  day of life for waking us up this morning, in our right minds with the Ability to still hear and see walk and talk some didn’t wake up and some can’t do the things that they need to do to even function on there on in life without help and we just thank you thank you for being so gracious and so faithful to us and we just give you praise this morning for blessing us and looking out for that we have things that necessities that we need to function in life we  are grateful, for our health our homes, for transportation, and food . for supplying all our needs . For our family and the gift of friendship. And for protecting us through the night. Now LORD, order are steps today GOD , tell us where to go , what to do , what to say and what not to say,  and how to do it . we come lifting up those that are lost and less fortunate then us , we are praying asking father that you strengthen families that lost love ones  , that you send Aid to the sick, the homeless , those in jails , nursing homes hospitals , those that are struggling with Addictions, those that are in Third World countries that don’t even have clean water to drink no shoes to put on their feet , father we come praying for those that are been sold in to sex trafficking and human trafficking, we prayer.  All this Nation and the body of Christ the Labors of the Labels of the Gospel and  for the peace of Israel and Jerusalem, in JESUS name .πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½


Father thank you for giving me the reassurance that you are With Me, In the good times as well as the not so good tomes when it dark and when it cold and I can't see clear it think straight. You are with me. Father I prayed so long and hard for better days and they're showing up! JESUS thank you for opening new doors and making clear paths! As You guide me, I want Your protection and grace! Help me understand and recognize the changes that must take place. I can't  expect to be the same or have the same perspective when You are preparing me for the requests I've laid at Your throne. I'm grateful beyond measure to know my heartfelt desires are in align with Your will. I will rise to the occasion and make necessary changes to ensure I'm being a good and faithful steward with my vision, gifts, talents, finances , And blessings. I put all my trust in You to cover me through every victory You've promised me! And I'm you g handle my Kingdom Business. I'm committed all in JESUS. 

Closing prayer: 

Have a blessed Day family, friends and love ones , know that JESUS saves and he loves you and when the world leaves you standing alone or turn there backs on you JESUS is right there  . He got your back your side and front , if you stay connected .And Remember today that GOD the father is with you. if at first you don’t succeed , get back up and try it again . And know that it’s all working for your good . GOD is working it out .  Now Lets do a do over and get this thing popping And please know on ever thing . That GOD will never changes up on us . We change up on him but he remain faithful. Get to know him . Try him , He is the truth . And What ever the Lord tells you  to do . just Do it . All we have belongs to GOD . And keep trusting GOD . Just Know this that GOD remains the same . And with that being said . Know that we can count on him no matter what , and may the peace of GOD be with you today . And we ask all this in JESUS name I pray

JESUS is my Everything 



WORDS OF WISDOM: GIVE ME FAITH TO GET IT DONE:  SCRIPTURE: Hebrew11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who c...