Friday, November 25, 2022

Words Have Power


Words of Wisdom:  

Words Have Power:

SCRIPTURE:   Psalm 34:13-14 

Keep thy tongue from evil, And thy lips from speaking guile. Depart from evil, and do good; Seek peace, and pursue it.

Morning Prayer: 

Good Morning Heavenly Father, we come thanking you for this day of life and for waking us up this morning. We are grateful for our health, our homes, transportation, food, for supplying all our needs and for protecting us through the night. Now LORD, order are steps today GOD, Tell us where to go, what to do, what to say, what not to say,  and how to do it. We come lifting up those that are lost and less fortunate than us. We are praying, asking Father that you strengthen families that have lost love ones, that you send aid to the sick, the homeless , those in jails, nursing homes, hospitals, those that are struggling with Addictions, those that are in Third World countries that don’t even have clean water to drink and no shoes to put on their feet. Father, we come praying for those that are being sold into sex trafficking and human trafficking. We are praying for this Nation and the body of Christ, the Labors of the Gospel and  for the peace of Israel and Jerusalem. In JESUS name, Amen.🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


Father I have learn how much my Words Have Power to change anything or stop anything. Really our words can create life or bring death in our situations . Father I’m so very careful of my words and the words I let be spoken to me . It’s really not a game . We have to be very , I mean very careful of the words we speak and allow to be spoken to us . Father GOD Now I see why you said in your word to guard our hearts and minds ,Because it affects everything we do or say . Lord, please forgive me for putting negative words in the atmosphere because my words have the power to speak life or death when they're released from my mouth.I need You to tame my tongue so I think before I speak. Or react to anything father I never want to offend someone or cause pain because I said something led by my feelings or Emotions . I know that Emotion are good but when I don't give myself time to think of the response, it can quickly go south. The consequence of speaking too hastily causes more disruption than intended because everyone receives things differently. And words spoken can cut and cause great pain . Father GOD Teach me how to control my emotions and pause before I express myself. I'm here to uplift Your kingdom And show the love of Jesus to all I come in contact with , No matter how I feel or what the situation is Father Hold me accountable to honor the mission and assignment You've placed before me; the mission to love and to be like You. I-want to overflow with love and joy so, I speak encouraging words to everyone.Teach me how to hold my peace and let you fight my battles even in my angry or when I’m upset I still want to be in your will and not my own . I want walk in love at all times . I will use my mouth to speak life and bring healing and deliverances . Yes LORD . 

Proverbs 21:23 

Watch your words and hold your tongue; you'll save yourself a lot of grief. You know their names Brash, Impudent, Blasphemer intemperate hotheads, everyone

Closing prayer: 

Have a blessed Day family, friends and love ones. Know that JESUS saves and he loves you. When the world leaves you standing alone or turn their backs on you, JESUS is right there. He got your back, your side and front, if you stay connected. Remember, today to be slow to speak . Hold your tongue speak life . Just obey his word. No matter what, you can bear it. Yes, he is Jehovah Jireh, GOD will make away out of no way. Just know that the father is with you.  If at first you don’t succeed, get back up and try it again. GOD got our back. And know that it’s all working for your good. GOD is working it out.  Now let's get all in with GOD. Please know on everything that GOD will never change up on us. We change up on him but he remains faithful. Get to know him. Try him. He is the truth. And Whatever the Lord tells you to do, just do it. All we have belongs to GOD. And keep trusting GOD. Just Know this, GOD remains the same. And with that being said, know that we can count on him no matter what , and may the peace of GOD be with you today. We ask all this in JESUS name I pray, Amen 

JESUS is my Everything

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