Tuesday, April 30, 2024






Colossians 4:2 

Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.

Colossians 3:17  

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Philippians 4:13  

I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

Romans 12:1  

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.

Luke 16:13 

No servant can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.

Morning Prayer: 

Heavenly Father we come thanking you this Tuesday Morning . Today is the start of a new week . Father prepare us for the week ahead and all the assignments and task that’s set before us . Father GOD I know  that you will go before us if we first seek you for all things we thank you  Heavenly Father for waking us up this morning, We are grateful, for our health , our homes, for transportation, and food . for supplying all our needs . And for protecting us through the night. Now LORD, order are steps today GOD , tell us where to go , what to do , what to say and what not to say,  and how to do it . we come lifting up those that have lost their way . Those that are less fortunate then us , we are praying asking father that you strengthen families that lost love ones  , that you send Aid to the sick, the homeless , those in jails , nursing homes hospitals , And those that are struggling with Addictions, those that are in Third World countries that don’t even have clean water to drink no shoes to put on their feet , father we come praying for those that are been sold in to sex trafficking and human trafficking, we praying for this Nation and the body of Christ the Labors of the Gospel and  for the peace of Israel and Jerusalem, in JESUS name .🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


Father I had to really be still and quiet the noise in my mind and around me to realize and get back to basics to focus on what matters most and not be distracted by outside things and forces. I experience something that shook me but it also made me realize that tomorrow is promised to no one we can leave our homes leave our spouses and it’s no guarantee that we will return or that they will return and although life is a blessing but somehow someway we as humans have taken love life in the people in our life for granted and we think for some reason that we had time and that we are the creative time when that’s all an illusion and it’s a deceptive mechanism that the enemy is using to make us think we have time . And to take it forgrant Fatger GOD I feel controlled by everything around me. Bills, expectations, goals, and relationships seem to control what I think, how I spend my time, and how i move . It seem as if i’m starting to question myself more and allowing the cares of this World to penetrate my spirit. When i know better that No weapon formed against me will prosper and I know that the enemy comes to still kill and destroy and that he will use anything or anybody to deceive us to believing that what we see or what we feel is the truth when it’s not. We walk by faith and not by sight and father I know this but somehow I have allowed things to blind me spiritually and close my ears to not hear. What the truth is . And stand on it no matter what . Father Im  praying to You right now because I need You to break those strongholds in my mind . And free me from me . Father  Instead of me exhausting myself to do worldly work I want to do the favored work You require of me I want to fully commit my life to Your instructions in Matthew 6:33, seeking You first above ALL things.No longer will I wake up and check my phone before I praise You for a new day. I will pray for Your guidance through every moment You give me. I know You are the reason I'm here today and I want to honor You each day that l breathe. My life will be better when I wake up and have my mind set on You. And hit my knees in prayer instead of going on my phone and seeing who text me and what post is New turning on the TV seeking everything and anything besides seeking you GOD with my whole heart my whole mind my whole soul and then ask you Fathet to guide me throughout the rest of my day and order my footsteps in your way not my way. You are the solid rock and my strong fortress that walks before me and directs the way I should go.Father I give You this day and all of my praise go to you . Holy spirit Move through my life and remove everything that keeps me from You father today i denounce all falsehood all lies all deceptions all appearances of evil and evil works and I read dedicate my life committed to the purpose the plan in the destiny that you have for me. 

Quotes : 

We must surrender ourselves to God, not our assignments. What we really need is only a heart of surrender & always trust what God has plan for our life. So we do our best, God shall take the rest. That's what I called FAITH

Devote yourself to one idea instead of running all directions and reaching nowhere.

Dr Prem Jagyasi

One, who devotes its life to God and truth; therefore, the worldly isolation imposed and enforced by the offenders that neither impacts on it nor prevails.

Ehsan Sehgal

So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half asleep, even when they're busy doing things they think are important. This is because they're chasing the wrong things.

The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, to your community around you, to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.

Mitch Albom

have a safe and bless Week


JESUS is my Everything! 


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