Saturday, March 2, 2024





Psalm 23:5 

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

Philippians 1:6 says, 

Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. 

Philippians 4:19 - 19 

And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus


Father, I praise you this Saturday Afternoon , Father we come thanking for waking us up this day . father you always there for us in the morning, Afternoon and night . Many didn’t wake up . So we thank you for another day, Father. Another day means another chance to get it right. Thank you, Father, for giving us this day, Father give us our daily bread and for leading us not into temptation, but delivering us from all evil. Help us to see all the choices we have ahead of us so that we can alter the direction of our lives. In this season . Father we don’t want to repeat or keep traveling the same road. Give us the wisdom on how to handle situations in our lives. We ask You to empower us to let go of the painful events and heartaches that would keep us bound. Thank You for Your forgiveness that You have offered to us at such a great price. Pour it into our hearts so we can relinquish bitterness, hurts and disappointments that have no place in our lives. Please set us free to forgive those who have sinned against us and caused us pain, Open our hearts to receive Your complete forgiveness and amazing grace. You have promised to bind up our wounds and restore our soul. Create within us a clean heart and renew our spirit, Lord. Help us to relinquish our past, surrender to You our present and move to the future that You have prepared for us. I ask You to come into our hearts and make us who You have called us to be so that we might do Your will here on earth. We thank You Lord in advance. We pray that You will begin to gloriously renew our present. In JESUS name we pray,


Father Im thank you this day for always being there and having my back even when i don’t feel you i know you are there . I thank you for serving me what I need for my soul, and spirit . I am final willing to acknowledge that it may be difficult to walk through my experiences to find the things that will nourish me. I realizes that When you sit down at life's table, you don't know what the chef will serve you. Lord It is quite possible that life will serve you filet mignon on a silver platter with all of the trimmings. Or life may serve you a hearty chicken soup, with lots of veggies, and a salad in a china bowl. The china bowl might be chipped, and it could be sitting on a plate that does not match. Life could serve you burned roast chicken with half-raw potatoes on fine china that sits on an exquisite linen tablecloth. You might be served all fattening foods or low-far treats. The point is, no matter what you are served in life, or how it is served to you, it is up to you to find the nourishment that you need. Your experiences in life are food for your soul. That will strengthen you or make you Malnutrition. The choices you have . They make up the meat and potatoes of your character. Some experiences are quite tasty and good. Others could lead you to believe you are starving! life can serve a bad relationship, a dead end job . a health condition but no matter what life serves you just know GOD got you .  Don't get caught up in what life has served you. There is a chef in the kitchen of your heart who knows exactly the kind of diet you need to grow strong and remain healthy. Make the right choices on your menu.And trust the one who the creator of all . JESUS will trust what ever you’re serving. 

Quotes : 

God knows who you need in your life. God is preparing you for everything you been praying for

By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.

Benjamin Franklin

I will prepare and some day my chance will come.

Abraham Lincoln

We should live our lives as though Christ was coming this afternoon.

Jimmy Carter

Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.

Abraham Lincoln

Have a safe and blessed Weekend 

JESUS is my Everything! 


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