Sunday, March 3, 2024




Psalm 37:23 

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.


My flesh and my heart may fail, But God is the rock and strength of my heart and my portion forever.


Romans 8:28 

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

Hebrews 13:5

Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”


Father , I come this Sunday Morning thanking you for the opportunity to pray 🙏🏽 for my family friends and love ones . For waking us up this Morning and start us on our way , to go before this morning LORD and for supplying all our needs . We are grateful and thankful . LORD help us  to understand the purpose and plan that you have for us . Help us when Times we may start to feel overwhelming or stressed . We cast the care and burden on you . And trust the process . Order our steps and help to help other that be lost or confuse about the path they need to follow. Together we can accomplish more and with you all things are possible. Today we just say we love you . And thanks 🙏🏽 for your grace and mercy. 


Father  many are  to the point where They don’t know what to do. I know there are times that I ask myself am I in alignment with You, Lord? Or is the enemy using things and people to confusion me and  try to being distraction in my life to disrupt my focus?  Father Whatever it is, I just know I need You to clear the fog and reveal what the next step is. JESUS , I’m coming to You asking that you GOD . Give us Wisdom and discernment along with peace as We follow your Commands  Even with the countless tasks on our plate to do list,and Agenda, and the goals we have . reveal what matters most to You for our mission and purpose father I value the power of trusting You each day I’m blessed to live. Tell me what You require of me. I want to seek You more, increase my faith, Heavenly Father connect me  with new vision and purpose and put a desire and passion in me to read Your word more, and become less dependent of people and more dependent on You. If the fate of my life rests on a leap of faith, I will trust You to be everything I need before, during, and after.  Lord, You are the joy of my life the strength of my life i choose your path and anoint me to complete every task in every assignment father God I pray that you continue to order my steps according to your will and your purpose and plan for my life in JESUS  name, Thank you  Father for being my help! 


 who tracks the steps of glory to the grave?

Lord Byron

Order and simplification are the first steps toward the mastery of a subject. Jy

Thomas Mann

 Order and simplification are the first steps toward the mastery of a subject. 

Thomas Mann

All the children in the school should learn the steps of everything, before they learn the thing, then they know which step they're doing better, because your voice is in certain steps and has to do most of the things that have been composed in those steps. 

Ninette De Valois

Have a safe and blessed Week. 

JESUS is my Everything! 


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