Wednesday, February 7, 2024





James 1:5 
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.

James 3:17 
But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.  
Proverbs 16:16 
 How much better to get wisdom than gold! To get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver. 

Romans 11:33 
Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways! 

Proverbs 29:11 
A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back. 

Proverbs 2:6 
For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding; 


Father, we praise you this Wednesday morning. Thank you for giving us this day, our daily bread and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from all evil. Help us to see all the choices we have ahead of us so that we can alter the direction of our lives. In this new year, we don’t want to repeat or keep traveling the same road. Give us the wisdom on how to handle situations in our lives. We ask You to empower us to let go of the painful events and heartaches that would keep us bound. Thank You for Your forgiveness that You have offered to us at such a great price. Pour it into our hearts so we can relinquish bitterness, hurts and disappointments that have no place in our lives. Please set us free to forgive those who have sinned against us and caused us pain. Open our hearts to receive Your complete forgiveness and amazing grace. You have promised to bind up our wounds and restore our soul. Create within us a clean heart and renew our spirit, Lord. Help us to relinquish our past, surrender to You our present and move to the future that You have prepared for us. I ask You to come into our hearts and make us who You have called us to be so that we might do Your will here on earth. We thank You Lord in advance. We pray that You will begin to gloriously renew our present. In JESUS name we pray, Amen . 🙏🏾


Father, I ask for you to give me Wisdom and Discernment so that I can be alerted to see all the traps of the enemy. Father, I’m learning everyday to recognize what the enemy is trying to do and all the ways he is trying to come to disturb my peace. He has been trying to place thoughts of confusion, frustration and anxiety in me. Trying to make me think on a lower level of belief with the spirit of fear and worry all popping up in my mind all the time. But, Father, I know who you are and I know who I am. Father, your word warns us of the enemy's tricks of how he places and plants thoughts in our heart. He has us thinking outside of your word for our lives. That’s why you tell us to cast down every thought and imagination that goes against your word. The thoughts are like bad weeds in a beautiful field of flowers. I will not allow bad thinking or reacting off my emotions cause me from reaping and harvesting the abundance You have for me. Father, in the name of JESUS, I rebuke the enemy and every evil device he tries to throw at me mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. I take back my peace and i claim total power over every thought in action. Father, no longer will I give the enemy power to trick me into cycles of destruction, sabotaging or living in pain that will keep me from Your promises and the blessings that are on my life. I belong to You and everything You have for me will manifest one step at a time through my beliefs, words, reactions and how I respond. I'm coming out this Year with all power and authority over every situation. You are so amazing to me, Father. How you just keep lifting me up just when i think it’s over. You bust a move and we are right back at it. Father, I surrender my thoughts to You and expectantly wait for Your answers to my prayers.  Ain’t no stop us now . 


This is a time when all of God's people need to keep their eyes and their Bibles wide open. We must ask God for discernment as never before. David Jeremiah 

Remember then that there is only one important time, and that time is now. The most important one is always the one you are with. And the most important thing is to do good for the one who is standing at your side. This is why we are here. Jon J. Muth, 

We need discernment in what we see and what we hear and what we believe. 
Charles R. Swindoll 

True discernment means not only distinguishing the right from the wrong; it means distinguishing the primary from the secondary, the essential from the indifferent, and the permanent from the transient. And, yes, it means distinguishing between the good and the better, and even between the better and the best.   Sinclair B. Ferguson 

God never gives us discernment in order that we may criticize, but that we may intercede. Oswald Chambers 

Don't believe everything you think.We [need to be] aware of our temptations and fears, the consolations and lights given to us by God, and the various movements that happen within us. Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.

It has always seemed that a fear of judgment is the mark of guilt and the burden of insecurity. Criss Jami 

When I look at a person, I see a person - not a rank, not a class, not a title.
 Criss Jami 

You've been given the innate power to shape your life...but you cannot just speak change, you have to LIVE change. Intent paired with action builds the bridge to success. You can't just want it; you have to do it, live it...BE it! Success isn't something you have, it's something you DO! 
Steve Maraboli 

 JESUS is my Everything! 


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