Thursday, February 8, 2024






Matthew 5:6 

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.

John 6:63 

It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life.

Matthew 4:4 

But he answered, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.

1 Peter 2:2 

Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation—

Acts 2:42 

And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.

Matthew 6:33 

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

1 Kings 19:8 

And he arose and ate and drank, and went in the strength of that food forty days and forty nights to Horeb, the mount of God


Father, we praise you this Thursday morning. Thank you for giving us this day, our daily bread and leading us not into temptation, but deliver us from all evil. Help us to see all the choices we have ahead of us so that we can alter the direction of our lives. In this new year, we don’t want to repeat or keep traveling the same road. Give us the wisdom on how to handle situations in our lives. We ask You to empower us to let go of the painful events and heartaches that would keep us bound. Thank You for Your forgiveness that You have offered to us at such a great price. Pour it into our hearts so we can relinquish bitterness, hurts and disappointments that have no place in our lives. Please set us free to forgive those who have sinned against us and caused us pain. Open our hearts to receive Your complete forgiveness and amazing grace. You have promised to bind up our wounds and restore our soul. Create within us a clean heart and renew our spirit, Lord. Help us to relinquish our past, surrender to You our present and move to the future that You have prepared for us. I ask You to come into our hearts and make us who You have called us to be so that we might do Your will here on earth. We thank You Lord in advance. We pray that You will begin to gloriously renew our present. In JESUS name we pray, Amen . 🙏🏾


Father, I realize that I may have been focusing more on my outer than my inner spirit. I don’t want to put more time on the exterior things and loss focus or neglect my inner spirit. Father, I know it’s about balance but somewhere along the way I think l may sometimes loose focus on what matters.  Father, help me to focus. The enemy really has the minds and hearts of many. I, myself, have experienced people's behavior. They stay on their phones, watch TV, play all kinds of worldly music, but they have all kind of issues and problems going on. Some are having relationship problems, job problems, stressful problems, anxiety problems, depression problems, health problems or business problems. But instead of seeking you first, as you have commanded us to do which is to seek first the kingdom of GOD and your righteousness and in all these problems and issues you will help us navigate to see our way clear. You will give us wisdom and discernment on how to handle the situations if we return to your word. The first thing we do when our eyes open is grab our phone to look at social media or start laughing and talking to someone before we even had a chance to connect with you. Father, you are the one who created us. We wait until pressure is put on us so we have a breakdown and then we wanna run to you GOD or reach out to you for prayer and asking for help. I wonder why we wait until the problem gets so bad that we ask for help when you are there all the time?   We need to build ourselves up on the word of GOD which is through worship,  prayer, connecting to your vision and plan by staying focus and committed to you. We keep thinking that we are self-made and that we allow everything and anything to distract us and keep us from connecting to you.  GOD, I have learned that life produces plants that are exactly like seeds. The seed will always be duplicated in the plant. The seed from which we have grown is the essence of GOD. GOD is a Spirit. We are a Spirit. At every twist of life, we doubt, question and, in some cases, deny the very existence of GOD that without any doubt, exist within our being.The life within us is the very same essence that is GOD . In that essence, you have the same power, the same wisdom and the same love that GOD has. It is the presence of this GOD existence that is the truth and the essence of who we are. We also have a body Which many of us complain about it . Something about it we don’t like so we spend time dressing and working on fix up the outer man. But the big question the think that been on my mind is have we consider for just a moment how we  feel about and care for the part of us that you can see, what does that mean about the part of us that we cannot see? In other words, how much care and time are we given to our GOD Self? Our Spirit man . How much grooming do you do for your spirit ?Your GOD essence must be groomed. Not because GOD needs it, because you do! You must bathe your GOD -essence in the spiritual waters of seeing and serving the GOD essence in everyone . You must feed your Spirit  with prayer with meditation with praise and worship music to build up your spirit into impart into your spirit things to build your self up so when the attacks come you can deal with it victoriously . we cannot keep being on emotional spiritual roller coaster ride up-and-down back-and-forth two days happy three days sad today miserable it’s like we’re Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde with emotional mood swings according to what our circumstances look like or feel like when the Bible tells us we don’t walk by sight  we walk by faith trusting and believing that the GOD that we say we love and serve he will make a way and it may not be the way that we want and we have to be fine with that knowing that he knows the plans that he has for us and everything that we want and we think that we want it may not be GODS  plan for us .It may not be good for us . Every now and then you must give your spirit and mind a break of silence. You must rest your GOD essence on a bed of faith. If you dress in spiritual clothing designed by kindness, compassion and forgiveness humility, consideration . It will quickly outgrow all the limitations of being covered by your humanness.Trust the process . in the past you may have focusing your energy on changing your physical being. starting  today , We going work on devoted to the care of your inner spirit Man as well now the physical and outer man matters to but let’s have a equal balance knowing that we are made up of three part beings mind , body and Spirit and when do put this in practice something really wonderful and powerful will start to grow in side of you . Walk it out. We Winning this Year no excuse let get. 


Just as our physical body must be fed, our spirit man must also be fed. But somehow we seem to think we can have a great relationship with God without feeding ourselves with His Word and filling ourselves with His presence.

Joyce Meyer

I assure you that when you starve the flesh by feeding your spirit; those negative desires, and those negative emotions will die

Feed your soul in addition to your body.

Julie Nguyen

Your mind is the channel of it all. It feeds your soul, your heart, everything. It comes from your thoughts. The kind of person you are comes from the way you think. And it bleeds into the way you feel. And such forth. If the mind is not free, then we won’t be free.

Stephen Marley

You have one lifetime to live. Choose  what feeds your soul.

Sara Sperling

It’s important to walk away from things and people that don’t feed your soul but make sure you’ve given yourself enough time to truly know when to release it and move on. 

Paulo Coelho 

 JESUS is my Everything! 


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