Sunday, December 5, 2021

God is good!




Proverbs 21:21-22 KJV

He that followeth after righteousness and mercy findeth life, righteousness, and honour. A wise man scaleth the city of the mighty, And casteth down the strength of the confidence thereof.


Father, I thank you on this Sunday morning, for waking me up. I come asking you to continue to give us guidance, wisdom, clarity and understanding. We thank you for watching over us this week and for providing for us all through the week. I’m so grateful and thankful for everything you have done and everything that you will and continuously do in us, our family, friends and love ones. Father, I ask that you bless those that are less fortunate then us. Heavenly Father, meet the needs of those that don’t have a place to lay their heads and for the homeless to obtain shelter. Father, especially now, its getting cold in some states and cities. I prayer for shelter for them because it’s below freezing. I pray for those that don’t have health insurance to take care of health situations they have. I pray for those that don’t have the means to take care of their families. I’m praying that you send resources and financial blessings. Open doors LORD. I pray that you touch those that are sick in hospitals and nursing homes. I pray for those that are incarcerated and those that are in foreign countries that don’t even have clean water to drink and no food. I pray for those that are going through all types of abuse and harassment due to terrorism and violent acts. I pray for the nation and the peace of Israel and the peace of Jerusalem. I pray for the President and Government that they make rules and decisions that will help this nation and the people that need it. I pray for the mental health and for deliverance from all addictions. I pray for this new variant of Covid. I left up the Daystar family and the loss of brother Marcus, from Daystar Christian TV network . Father, please guide us on the right path with clear direction. I’m so grateful for your grace, mercy and your unconditional love. I love you Father we pray this in JESUS name. Amen 🙏🏽


Father, I thank you for this Sunday. As we take time for you, to praise you and thank you for keeping me all week. You are so Good GOD. All the time, you are good. You restore strength to me when I’m weak. You bless me with my health. You healed my body when I was sick. You are Good all the time. I love you Lord. Heavenly Father, I pray for your encouragement to light my path today. I humbly ask for a renewal of hope and faith within me. I know you are so faithful and good to me all the time, but some times LORD, the road we travel, can get hard and we loose strength. But I’m grateful for this day. Sunday is a day of rest. A time to reflect on your goodness to restore, renew and Refuel .I'm so grateful that Sunday is my day to worship and thank you for watching over me and protecting me all week. For this is the day the lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. GOD is Good and all the time God is good. GOD forgive me for times of doubt, complaining, worrying, stressing and for getting caught up in self-pity. I know it’s not of you, but what I pray for today is that I take the focus off myself and the situation and ask you put someone in my path this week that I can help to be a blessing to them. Allow me to put myself aside and put them before me. Put them in my path and help me to make a difference in their lives so they can see that my God is good and good all the time. I pray about my impatience in this season sometimes I'm feeling overwhelmed or anxious. I thank you for giving me a spirit of calmness and peace to calm me down in the mist of the storm to know it is not about me but it’s about you and your purpose in my life. Please guide me in every step I take this week to make the right decisions and choices and to be a blessing and to let someone see the light in me and to see how good my GOD is. I’m thankful for showing me favor, over and over again. I know your grace is what you have given me even when I don’t deserve it but you give it anyway. Your mercy spares me.  I'm thankful and grateful this Sunday morning. Thankful that we serve a GOD like you that is good all the time. Watch over me and keep me in perfect peace. Let me always run to you knowing that you will work it out and you are good all the time and your word is true. I pray now for my family, my friends and my loved ones today to rest in you and experience your goodness. Thank you JESUS for being good all the time. And it’s in the Precious name of the LORD, JESUS CHRIST I pray, Amen 🙏🏽 


Romans 8:24-28 NIV 

24 For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? 25 But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.

26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.

28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.

GOOD MORNING : Family, Friends and Love Ones. Have a blessed day and remember: GOD IS GOD ALL THE TIME! 🙏🏽

JESUS is my Everything 


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