Friday, November 12, 2021

Who you going to run to?

Words of Wisdom:

Who you Gonna RUN to?

"Do not be afraid of them; the LORD your God himself will fight for you." - Deut. 3:22

Father I thank you 🙏🏽 that I can come to you for all things. I’m so grateful for you  are always there to listen and help me in my moments of weakness and seeking understanding. You said in your word, if any man lacks wisdom, come to GOD. So I’m at a place that I run to you when I’m feeling down. I run to you when I'm faced with difficulty. I Run to you when I’m hurt. I Run to you for Love ❤️. I’m aware that the devil will come to attack and accuse. But I will Run to you. For you said that when the enemy comes in like a flood, you will raise up a standard against him. One thing is sure - if you're a believer who is living like salt and light in a dark world, you won't go for long without encountering obstacles and attacks the enemy will hurl your direction. God's words are true. This battle is real and intense. If  you find yourself facing hard struggles today, please know you're not alone. Neither are you left to fight on your own. Many of us are in the battle with you, and God is the One who fights on our behalf, constantly shielding, protecting, strengthening with love ❤️ and favor. We have to just stay in him and his word and RUN to him when we are faced with trails and test. We should RUN to GOD first, not man, but to Him  and his Word. We thank you that you came to set the captives free.  We thank you for the redemptive work you’ve done in our lives.  We are thankful for the freedom and the hope you bring to us. I know that you are our protection from enemy and the blood sets us free. The enemy has no control over us and we bring the word of GOD as a weapon against the schemes and tricks of the devil.  Father, I know you are constantly at work on our behalf , shielding, protecting, covering strengthening, and exposing deeds of darkness. Bringing to the light what needs to be known and covering us from the cruel attacks of the evil one. Father GOD, we ask that you would give us wisdom and discernment to recognize the tricks and schemes of the enemy and to stand strong against his work. Teach us, LORD, to pray 🙏🏽 for those that don’t know how to RUN to you when they need Love ❤️.

Lord, we ask for your peace. We ask for your protection. We ask for your Wisdom. We are thankful for your constant ❤️ love . We ask that you would bring light 💡 to the dark situation  knowing that you will expose the deeds of the enemy. It’s in JESUS name we pray, 🙏🏽 Amen 

Have a blessed day and safe weekend. 

JESUS is my Everything 


1 comment:

Help Me Choose Wisley

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