Sunday, November 14, 2021

But God!

 Words of Wisdom: 



When man’s ways pleases the Lord, He maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him. Father, thank you this morning for waking us up this morning. For blessing my family,  friends , and love ❤️ Ones. Bless our leaders, radio stations, TV stations, and social media sites that are used to spread the gospel. This morning prepare Pastors, Ministers, Apostles and Bishop's hearts to deliver a word for your people. We lift up all those that are in jail, hospitals, and nursing homes. We lift up the homeless and those with addictions. We pray ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ for the body of Christ this Morning. Father, I realize that sometimes man  will tell you no, or reject you but I have a "But my GOD"  in my spirit . I do realize In life we will face a lot of set backs, challenges and disappointments, But my GOD . He is the one that will step in at the right time. Heavenly father reveal in me what is unlike you so that I will not find myself in a place of being angry for when man says no. I will always continue to trust you and to pray for those who spitefully use me or persecute me. I will stay in love and handle discord or disagreements with the  spirit of love but I still will bring enlightenment to darkness and correction to sin. Father God, you said in your word that is OK to be angry but sin not and don’t let the sun go down on our disagreements. I do realize even as I pray and meditate this morning on life and just my relationship and my walk with you, that sometimes people think that being saved or even walking closer to God or being a minister or pastor, that we have to lay down and take abuse or get mistreated. But when we speak up, then we are looked at like "oh you’re supposed to be a Christian or saved", and I still am but I still have a voice and I’m still able to rebuke and reprove and shun confusion. I will  bring understanding and  correction to sin. Your word says that we shouldn’t turn our face away from sin when we see it and if we do, the blood is on our hands. So I pray today, God, that you continue to Work a spirit of boldness in me, to stand up for the gospel and the word of truth. Sometimes even telling the truth in response to someone else’s actions or behavior means that we will be persecuted, talked about and  misunderstood, but I would not be ashamed of the gospel of JESUS  Christ.  I know that I have a "But my GOD" in my spirit. I know that nothing will change my mind even when people think that they can stop or hinder the purpose and plans you have for me. I don’t go along with their plan or conform to their ways or do what they want me to do for I know I have a "But my GOD". But my GOD will do what man can never do. I thank you GOD for closing doors that are not for me so that I can walk through bigger and better doors. I thank God for removing from me anything and anyone that’s keeping me from following His will and purpose for my life. For showing me when I need to increase my faith and to keep walking and believing and trusting in His word. There’s no reason to be comfortable about where I am when I ask you for more faith. I will be faithful with my few to prove to you that you can trust me with many. I am open and willing to do whatever it is you ask  me to do, GOD.  You are faithful no matter what! The hand of man will fail you every time when you don’t follow them or there ways. But I would not use the clichรฉ anymore "he’s not through with me yet. If not now when?" to give me an excuse to keep practicing sin and to stay where I am at in a sinful mess. This day I commit to going higher in you and for letting the word take place over all. I will walk out the word letting nothing or no one separate me  from the love of God. Father, your will  is exactly where I wanna be. I’m your vessel and your faithful and humble servant ready to commit to your will and your way. There are no limits to the miracles and the manifestation of your blessings and promises that will be manifested because I am connected to you. I get overwhelmed thinking about what you will do to me and the power of my decisions to trust you determines my outcome. I am so thankful and I am claiming victory in your JESUS name knowing that I am a daughter of Zion and that you will continuously work out your blessings in my life when I surrender all to you. So I have a "But my God"! No matter what happens or what I’m told, I can say in my spirit "But my God will supply all my needs according to his riches and glory in Christ Jesus." And it’s in JESUS name I give you praise honor and glory Amen ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ 


Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us Good Morning have a blessed Sunday. 

JESUS is my everything 


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