Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Comfort Me





Comfort my Heart , I pray thee 

Heavenly Father I thank you  this Morning For  waking me up. For providing for me all through the week. I’m so grateful for everything you have done and everything that you will do I ask that you bless those that are less fortunate GOD those  that don’t have a place to lay their heads . Those that don’t have health insurance to take health issues. Those That don’t have the means to take care of their families. Im praying that you send resources financial blessing that you touch those that are sick in hospitals and nursing homes those that are incarcerated ,  those that are in  foreign countries and in the nations .that they don’t even have clean water to drink no food , that are going through all types of abuse and harassment due to terrorism. I pray for the nation and The  president and Government that they make rules and decisions that will help this nation and the people that need it . I pray for the mental health, and for deliverance from addiction. Father please guilds us on the path of clear direction. I’m so grateful for your grace and mercy. And your unconditional love ❤️ I love you Father .🙏🏽

Father I thank you for Comfort me today.  I pray that you comfort those that needed it this morning and those that are hurting and need comfort . Or need  to feel your presence. Life gets hard sometimes there  is only a comfort that God can provide a food for the soul and drink for the heart that quenches the thirst of all sense of emptiness and loneliness . too often we seek comfcomfort in things ,outside of ourselves in the confounds and limitations of the material world but there are already exists a  comfort that needs no seeking; it needs only recognition God‘s love fills us , but we have to acknowledge that it is his presence within God‘s comfort embraces us on every side but we have to first quiet our anxious minds and silence our inner chatter to feel GODS comfort wrapping around us.  there is no need to look outside of ourselves for comfort . GODS comfort has been within us along the way. Father comfort the elderly no matter how old we are we noticed our bodies aging, and how difficult it must be to be near the end of life and struggling to hold on to mobility , vision , hearing and wellness of being , Give  us compassion for those older than we are , Lord , thank you for promising that you would be with us to the very end. I’m so grateful for the comfort you give me . And when things gets hard , I will turn to you for comfort . When the storms of life wage around me Lord I know that I can seek refuge in your love and grace and comfort, you are my everything I can find comfort in the cloudiness and darkness through the fear through the confusion through the frustration through anxiety through the confusion. I know that  there is safety in you and I am assured that you will comfort me throughout those moments. For sure and steadfast and faith  is your unfailing love and I’m in the light and in the presence of your peace and truth penetrate the darkness . GOD , when all else fails I know that I can count on you to be my helper . I thank you father for the comfort you provide for US .  in the name of JESUS I Pray AMEN 🙏🏽. 

Psalms 62: 5-7 

My soul waits  only upon God for my God is my expectations is from him alone he only is my rock and my salvation he is my defense I should not be moved.  In God is my salvation and my glory:  The rock of my strength,  And  my refuge is in God. 

Psalms 71: 21

Thou shalt increase my greatness, and comfort me  every side . 

Good Morning family, Friends, Love ❤️ ones have a blessed day pray 🙏🏽 and ask GOD who could you help him COMFORT today . 

JESUS is my Everything 


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