Monday, November 15, 2021

No More Fear!

Words of Wisdom: 


Deuteronomy 3:22
“You must not fear them, for the LORD your God Himself fights for you.” 

Father, we are open for all you have us today. Bless us to be a blessing. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us. GOD, we lift up all the nation and all who need a special touch this morning. Lead us and guide us in the light 💡 and out of the darkness. We pray for Israel and the peace of Jerusalem. We pray for the ones that are going through hard times and having struggles with things they are dealing with. I pray 🙏🏾 the spirit of victory over everyone. I cast my cares on you GOD and let them go. I know that you, GOD, got us covered. LORD, forgive me for the times I try to fight battles on my own. Fear is one of the enemy’s most popular weapons that he uses against us. Worry, anxiety and fear can overwhelm us with a thick shadow of darkness, controlling our every move and decision, but I know you are undefeated and have power greater than this entire world. I know you will fight for me and work things out for my good and make evil work in my favor. You said in your word You cause my enemies to be at peace with me. Today, I choose faith over fear. There is nothing in this world that can control my destiny and the plan you have for me but me allowing the distractions of the enemy get me off focus. So when faced with fear, I will walk in faith. I know so much craziness is going on around us today; wars, conflicts, persecution, violence, crime, natural disasters, terrorism, economic uncertainty, unemployment, divisions, disease and death. We fear for our children’s future, we fear for our families, we fear for our financial future, we fear for our safety. The list goes on…long. There actually is a lot we could potentially worry about but if you’ve allowed us to endure the storm, it’s because you’ve equipped us with everything we need to make it through. I understand I can only get stronger if I face trials and tribulations.  During the test or the trails, I have nothing to worry about because victory is mine, in Jesus Christ name. I am your child and you are my creator my God is my everything. Unto you I give you glory and honor. I thank you for using me to see how good you are and how you can work things out for my good. In your word, you said all things work together for the good of those that love you. I thank you that you’re showing me that with faith. I don’t have to fear. Thanks for giving me a testimony to give to others so that they will be able to see the amazing and awesome God we serve. I choose faith over fear. No more fear. Reality tells us that so much of what we spend our time worrying about never even happens. Living under the weight of the “what if’s” is a hard place to dwell. 
I struggled with fear and worry over the past two years with the pandemic, health issues and family issues. But through time, I began to find that the things that once would have sent me down an anxious spiral, no longer had the same effect. It didn’t happen quickly, but over days, months, years. I turn it over to JESUS and I stop worrying about it and he worked it out. So Father, I thank you. I give all the praise and honor and glory and it’s JESUS name I pray 🙏🏾 Amen 🙏🏾 

2 Timothy 1:7 
For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.

Good Morning family, Friends and Love ❤️ ones . 

JESUS is my everything 


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Help Me Choose Wisley

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