Monday, May 20, 2024


 Words of Wisdom: 



Romans 8:38-39 

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. The Greek word peitho is used in this verse, which means to be persuaded, to be convinced, or to be swayed from one opinion to another. 


The LORD's spirit will rest on him - a spirit that gives extraordinary wisdom, a spirit that provides the ability to execute plans, a spirit that produces absolute loyalty to the LORD.

Romans 8:28 

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

Romans 5:8 

But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Morning Prayer: 

Good Morning Family, friends and loved ones lets take time out to thank GOD for this Monday Morning and give thanks for Another Day, And another day we have to get it right . For this  is the Day the Lord has made . Let’s do big things this day for the father , pray big , praise big, think big , give big . Father Thank you for your goodness and for your blessings over us. For watch over us all night . So we take time this day to pray about our situation. Father ,Thank you for waking us up this Morning .let’s Start this week off with greatness . And let’s be grateful to the father for another day, Another day means another chance to get it right with you . What a blessing to have a kingdom connection. Im thankful I got a father that got me covered. No matter what We Winning with you . Thank you that you are able to bring hope and peace in our Lives even through the toughest of times, strengthening us for your purposes. Thank you for your mercy and grace. Thank you that you are always with us and will never leaving us. Forgive us for when we don't thank you enough or trust you for who you are, and what you can do. fill us with your peace and joy. We love you and we need you, this day and every day. We give you praise and thanks, for You alone are worthy Father thank you for your Almighty Power . Thank you that you go before us,  today God thank you for being a restorer thank you GOD for being a healer.  our provider our protector our way maker. Remind us of your strength today, may we see glimpses of your glory and blessing along the way as we seek after you. Father I  ask that you bless those that are less fortunate then us . Heavenly Father, meet the needs of those that don’t have a place to lay their heads and for the homeless to obtain shelter. Father, I’m praying for those dealing with mental health and PTSD . Open doors LORD of deliverance and help. I pray that you touch those that are sick in hospitals and nursing homes. Pray for those that are dealing with domestic violence. For them to get help to get out of a toxic and dangerous situation. Pray for those with any addiction to be set free from a codependency or seeking for a temporary solution. To self medicate. Praying  for those that are incarcerated and for Peace in this nation and peace in the middle east we pray for Israel and the peace of Jerusalem. and it in JESUS name I pray Amen


Father I want more of your spirit in my life so I can live the victorious life so that I will talk better think better respond better do better. Lord, fill me with Your Spirit in all i do . I want to sacrifice all of me for more of You.Heavenly father i’m tried of living a life that it feels like one day Im winning the next i’m feeling like Im losing . that up and down . back and forth . At this point father i realized that I’m gonna have to remove some things remove some people and change some situations to see the growth to see the victory in my life I realize that everybody can’t go where I’m going and some people will never understand that assignment or the call that is on my life and with the assignment in the car you have to make some tough decisions and you have to change some things in your life change and change until you change it so today I make a decision to change some things and some people in my life. Father I want to overflow with Your Spirit and help Your fire.I'm placing my life in Your hands to fulfill the supernatural works You want to do through me and for me.Father I need You to consume every area of my life so,Your joy and power runs over into every person and thing I touch.There's no better life than the life You've drafted for me, no matter how much l've run from Your will.I find back and ground 0 . I want more of you and less of me .I humble myself and I choose to seek all of You to be where You are.Nothing or no one matter more then my Relationship with you . Father GOD I Love You and I thank You for loving me no matter what l've done or where l've been you just keep on Loving me and blessing me . Heavenly father Let Your Spirit fall fresh upon me today I want your Spirit and I open my self up to surrender and say father you will not my will here I am.  


You cannot come to Christ unless the Spirit of God brings you.

Paul Silway

Our ability to remain faithful to God,is by itself a miracle. For nothing happens without His Grace that works in us, and His Spirit that perfects us, which urges us to be like Him. For truly ,everything begins with His mercy and ends with His mercy and grace. 

Henrietta Newton Martin

There is no other way to determine the difference between the will of God and the crafts of satan... Jesus is the way, the truth and the life... The Holy Spirit of God is the Comforter.

Israelmore Ayivor

Where there is a spirit of God there is always freedom. In Life, everything depends on your consciousness, whatever you focus on your consciousness becomes the reality of your life. The spirit of God sustain the soul until the final breath. 

God has called me and has been my pilot. The Holy Spirit has been my comforter, my guide, and my power source. God will never direct us to be prideful, arrogant and unforgiving, immoral or slothful or full of fear. We step into these things because we are insensitive to the leadership of the Holy Spirit within us.

If you seek the Lord God Almighty for your life and for any life situation, you will find him and you will live your life in peace…Make your life holy by belonging to God Almighty…Belong to Christ surrender to Christ choose God over everything and anything. 


Have a blessed day and week

JESUS is my Everything 


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