Saturday, April 27, 2024





Isaiah 43:19

“Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

Philippians 4:19 

19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Ezekiel 24:14 

God said, “I am the Lord. I have spoken; it shall come to pass; I will do it.

Thessalonians 5:24

 God will do what He says He will do. I have spoken, and I will bring it to pass; I have purposed, and I will do it.” God

Morning Prayer: 

Heavenly Father we come thanking you this Saturday Morning . Today is the start of a new week . Father prepare us for the week ahead and all the assignments and task that’s set before us . Father GOD I know  that you will go before us if we first seek you for all things we thank you  Heavenly Father for waking us up this morning, We are grateful, for our health , our homes, for transportation, and food . for supplying all our needs . And for protecting us through the night. Now LORD, order are steps today GOD , tell us where to go , what to do , what to say and what not to say,  and how to do it . we come lifting up those that have lost their way . Those that are less fortunate then us , we are praying asking father that you strengthen families that lost love ones  , that you send Aid to the sick, the homeless , those in jails , nursing homes hospitals , And those that are struggling with Addictions, those that are in Third World countries that don’t even have clean water to drink no shoes to put on their feet , father we come praying for those that are been sold in to sex trafficking and human trafficking, we praying for this Nation and the body of Christ the Labors of the Gospel and  for the peace of Israel and Jerusalem, in JESUS name .🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


Father GOD I trust in you and your word , I know that the word is true , I know that you are real . No matter the situation or circumstances are at  times . Father at some points it seem like your far away , or my prayers are not being heard . I know you will come through and show up and show out . As you always do . I’m so grateful and thankful for all you have and will do I know your words  tells us that the hands of man will fail us ever time . But I know I can depend on you I know there’s nothing to hard for my GOD , I know you will do it . Even when I don’t see how or know how . I know you hold the key to every door set before me! But I realize that there are some things that I need to readjust , Somethings in my life and to get more focus so That I make the right Decisions and to do what is right in your eyes  . Fill my mind with GOD - given thoughts so I will be in your perfect will for my life . I know you will DO IT . I’m reminded of how you turned water in to wine  and how you open the Red Sea . How you feed the 5000 with 2 fish and 5 Loaves of bread. And I say to my self WONT GOD DO IT . If you did it before you can and will DO IT again . Father align my action with your will for my life , your plans are the only plans that matter from this point forward !Today I thank you for never giving up on me when I made the wrong turn or stepped out of your will . You always are there to lead me back in the right direction and on the right path , I know you will DO  IT . Things I can’t change or fix or handle I now know that I have to let it go and let GOD . I have to ask, seek, and knock , I have to change it , the things I can change , And I can’t Quit , I have to walk in love, and I have to know the season you have me in . And how put prayer and the word on the situation. And trust that you will comfort me in the mist of it all , cause you GOT THIS . And you will DO IT ,  I stand in expectation waiting on you to show up GOD in ways that I can’t even explain . I know you want the best for me , even when I feel unworthy of your love , you pour it out on me, and love on me , anyway . I know I don’t have to do nothing special to receive your love , it there all the time, Its times I don’t feel deserving and I still feel your love and presence in my life and see how you can Always work things out for my good. And open so many doors but you also close some doors to , and I accept the ones you close , cause I know that all things are working together for my good . Delay don’t mean denied. It means you know all things and you got this And I know you know what’s best for me . The doors I need to walk Through and the doors that I need to leave close and turn around and go the other way. You are Amazing GOD , I’m  grateful for all you have shown me and taught me through your word and giving me unconditional love. You love me no matter what . My prayer today is that I stay connected to you always no matter what , that I trust the process, that I never give up or quit seeking , believing and trusting in you, and the promises you have told me you have for me . You are my everything, my peace, my joy , my strength, my healer , my provider, my protector , the lover of my soul , my keeper , MY EVERYTHING! Everything I need is in you and in your hands . And I thank you for the wisdom to know and understand and receive this , And it’s in JESUS Name I give all praise this Morning 


Do not come into agreement with fear. Activate your faith, live in victory, speak over your life and expect great things to come your way.

Germany Kent

am Thy servant to do Thy will, and that will is sweeter to me than position or riches or fame, and I choose it above all things on Earth or in Heaven.

A.W. Tozer

It may seem difficult, but it is not impossible, God can and God will move for you. Stay in faith even when others doubt you and mistreat you. Know that God is working. Keep trusting and believing, and He will vindicate you at the right time.

Let your life reflect the faith you have in God. Fear nothing and pray about everything. Be strong, trust God's word, and trust the process.

Germany Kent 

When the Lord makes it clear you're to follow Him in this new direction, focus fully on Him and refuse to be distracted by comparisons with others.

Swindoll Charles R

have a safe and bless Weekend 

JESUS is my Everything! 


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