Wednesday, January 17, 2024





 Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. 

 1 Peter 1:13 Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 

 Romans 8:6 For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. 

 Colossians 3:2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. 

 Proverbs23:7 As a man think within , so is he 

 Romans 2:4 Don’t you realize that it is God’s loving kindness that is trying to lead you to change the way you think and act 

Family, please read these prayers. They may be long but very important and necessary. Prayer is our weapon and the enemy knows it. For nothing matters more than prayer to start your day as to acknowledge GOD for being the answer to every situation and to go before us before we even turn the lock to go outside the door into into the enemies camp we have to put on the whole armor of GOD. So take the time to give God time to speak to your heart and your mind to direct your path for He said to acknowledge Him in all your ways He shall direct our path and to seek His righteousness so all these things will be added to your life. Family, we are in a war and in a fight for our lives, our families, our health and so for many other things prayer is very necessary in this season. We're 17 days into 2024. Most resolutions have started to fade (92% of them don’t last!). We are also 17 days into the 31 days of fasting. Now some are just doing the 21 days which is the Daniel fast and that will be over in 4 more days but others are going to push for the 31 days without social media, sweets, bread, sodas or hot sugary drinks and just by eating one meal a day. However the Lord leads you to. let’s get it! Remember, real change starts in our THINKING. I want you to win this year. Let's win together!! 

Morning prayer : 🙏🏾 
Father GOD,  I thank you for keeping us all year! This is a new day in a new year that you have given to us. I'm excited about these 31 days that we can start on a new journey, a new destiny and a new purpose in life.  I’m so grateful and thankful to God for the opportunity to increase my relationship with Him and all the possibilities that we can experience on this 31 day journey of prayer and fasting . I'm also thankful for being able to develop a closer and stronger relationship with Him. Today I sat and analyzed some things in my life and went over my vision board.  I  wrote down, in detail, the things that I wanted to see happen on my journey as I go through these 31 days of prayer, fasting and consecration. I also printed out my fasting contract so that I can detail all the things that I want to offer up to Him in order to see Him move on my behalf. I don’t know if anyone has been on a spiritual fast before but this is my 19th year of my journey of fasting and praying with GOD Guiding me. But this time I’m expecting a higher move of GOD. Signs and wonders. I'm asking  Him continuously to build me up and to strengthen me to walk with Him. I'm asking Him to take me higher in him. This year has been a very trying time. But I’m embracing this year, this new season, with great anticipation that we’re going to see a mighty move of God. I’m very excited about the move of GOD in this season. Let’s see what GOD is going to do in these 31 days of prayer 🙏🏽 and fasting.

Just as a butterfly is designed by God to soar, so are you! However, the butterfly can only emerge in its beautiful color and magnificent wings after it has been transformed within the warm cocoon of its Creator! This Fast from Wrong Thinking is your cocoon. As you wrap your mind in God’s thoughts , you too will be miraculously transformed! Ready to fly? Let’s go! 

 Today we’re fasting from the thought that says, "I Can't Change."
 We’ve all felt at times that we can’t change a certain habit or a weakness in our lives. We often feel “confined” by whatever has previously “defined” us. But, as we change our mindsets regarding WHO we are and what God has given us, ANYTHING can change. Today a new hope will be born in you!

 LET'S CHANGE IT TODAY: WE CAN CHANGE WE MUST CHANGE: AWAKEN TO GOD'S GRACE His grace empowers us to change, to break a habit, or to be free from our past. The river of grace is always flowing. Just step into it and receive! BELIEVE THAT THE POWER TO CHANGE IS A GIFT HIS LOVE AND KINDNESS CHANGES THE WAY WE THINK; THEN IT CHANGES THE WAY WE АСТ AND REACT All lasting change begins by surrendering your thought life to the Word of God. BELIEVE IN THE PROCESS THAT LEADS TO PROGRESS: Don't worry if it doesn't happen right away. Jesus touched the blind man once, in Mark 8, and then touched him a second time, before he was completely healed. I believe as we Journey through the rest of this fast and praying will be your SECOND touch from Jesus. Our thoughts and emotions really affect everything we do how we respond how we react how we feel so let’s change that and think of the fullness and blessings of GOD . WHAT GOD SAYS ABOUT YOU Disconnect from the past definition of your habits, traits, and limitations. You are being changed into His image. God has given me the gift to change. My habits, emotions, and life will change by changing the way I think. I submit to the process of renewing my mind, and I expect divine progress. I refuse to accept past definitions and limitations of myself. As I embrace God's view of me, through His Word, I am being changed into His image, in Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.

Quotes on Wrong Thinking : 

It is not always possible to do away with negative thinking, but with persistence and practice, one can gain mastery over them so that they do not take the upper hand. 
Stephen Richards 

There is too much negativity in the world. Do your best to make sure you aren't contributing to it. 
Germany Kent 

 If we have decided to collect filth and negativity, we will find it all around us. Sukant Ratnakar 

Your thoughts carry you wherever you want to go. Weak thoughts don’t have the energy to carry you far!  Ayivor 

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar 

Heavenly Father, I'm so grateful we are past the half way mark of the fast, Day 17. I'm so excited about all your doing! I must admit, it’s been challenging at times. Not so much the not eating but the shifting and the cutting away of the things you have revealed to me. All I can say is WOW, I wasn’t ready. But I praise you GOD in the midst of it all. Thank you for your amazing grace, power and work in our lives. This morning, help us to trust you to meet our every need. Help us to practice self control and discipline. Help us to stop over thinking and control our thoughts and emotions because they really affect everything we do. Help us get control of ourselves and the way we think and react as to not allow the spirit of stress to overtake us. We are too blessed to be stressing over anything. Let’s get to it! We are winning! Father, give us this day, our daily bread. Thank you for your goodness and for your blessings over us. Thank you that you are able to bring hope through even the toughest of times by strengthening us for your purpose. Thank you for your great love and care. Thank you for your mercy and grace. Thank you that you are always with us and will never leave us. Thank you for your incredible sacrifice so that we might have freedom and life. Forgive us for when we don't thank you enough for who you are, for all that you do, for all that you've given. Help us to set our eyes and our hearts on you. Renew our spirits, fill us with your peace and joy. We love you and we need you, this day and every day. We give you praise and thanks, for You alone are worthy! Father Thank you for your presence with us, thank you for your Almighty power. Thank you that you go before us and cover us.  Thank you that you are in our midst and that our future is secure in the place you're preparing for us. Your words bring such hope and comfort. Remind us of your strength today. May we see glimpses of your glory and blessings along the way as we seek after you. For victory and salvation are found in you alone. Father I pray for your spirit to be with us and let us experience you like never before on this fast. In the Mighty Name of JESUS name I pray, 🙏🏽 Amen

 On your days of fasting, remember to : 
• Keep drinking plenty of water
• Rest and relax when you need to
• Continue to meditate and listen to God in prayer and worship. 

If anyone would like more information on fasting or would like a fasting contract emailed to them, text me your email address to 202-930-2259 or email us at We will send you the information as soon as possible! Be blessed and let’s get it this year!!

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