Thursday, January 18, 2024





Psalm 78:41 They limited the Holy One of Israel.

 Numbers 11:23 But the LORD said to Moses, “Don't limit my power! You will see that I can do what I say I can do."

Psalm 147:5 Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; his understanding is beyond measure. 

 Luke 1:37 For nothing will be impossible with God.

Morning prayer : 🙏🏾 
Father GOD,  I thank you for keeping us all year! This is a new day in a new year that you have given to us. I'm excited about these 31 days that we can start on a new journey, a new destiny and a new purpose in life.  I’m so grateful and thankful to God for the opportunity to increase my relationship with Him and all the possibilities that we can experience on this 31 day journey of prayer and fasting . I'm also thankful for being able to develop a closer and stronger relationship with Him. Today I sat and analyzed some things in my life and went over my vision board.  I  wrote down, in detail, the things that I wanted to see happen on my journey as I go through these 31 days of prayer, fasting and consecration. I also printed out my fasting contract so that I can detail all the things that I want to offer up to Him in order to see Him move on my behalf. I don’t know if anyone has been on a spiritual fast before but this is my 19th year of my journey of fasting and praying with GOD Guiding me. But this time I’m expecting a higher move of GOD. Signs and wonders. I'm asking  Him continuously to build me up and to strengthen me to walk with Him. I'm asking Him to take me higher in him. This year has been a very trying time. But I’m embracing this year, this new season, with great anticipation that we’re going to see a mighty move of God. I’m very excited about the move of GOD in this season. Let’s see what GOD is going to do in these 31 days of prayer 🙏🏽 and fasting.

LET'S CHANGE IT TODAY: GOD IS ABLE! He will do above and beyond all you can ask or think. (Ephesians 3:20) He's not limited, and so neither are you, because you are made in His image. 

MEET JEPHTHAH! His past told him that he was the son of a prostitute. But God told him he was a mighty warrior (Judges 11:1)! Each one of us has conflicting voices telling us who we are. You must choose God's version of yourself, rather than people's version of you. Side with what God says about you.

LEAVE THE ROOM FOR GOD: The father of faith, Abraham, felt confined and limited by his inability to have a child with his wife Sarah. So God brought Abraham out of the house, and told him to look UP and count the stars (Genesis 15:5). Whenever you feel limited, walk outside and look up. Look to God no matter what it looks like . YOU CAN ONLY SEE STARS WHEN YOU'RE LOOKING UP! Repeat step 3 above! Stop looking at the ceiling and start looking at the stars. GET IN TOUCH WITH YOUR NEW SPIRIT Your spirit is your vertical window, giving you the ability to look up and see from God's point of view. Your flesh is your horizontal window, allowing you only to look around at your circumstance or to look back at your past limitations. Open your vertical window and look up, expecting God to do above and beyond all you can ask or think! 

LIVING BEYOND YOUR WILDEST EXPECTATIONS AND DREAMS STARTS WITH SOME WILD EXPECTATIONS AND DREAMS! Dream big. Ask big. Expect big! He will do infinitely above and beyond your highest thoughts and dreams! DON'T LIMIT GOD Psalm 78:41 says, "They limited the Holy One of Israel." (KJV) We limit Him when we think small, dream small, and ask small. Jabez prayed: ENLARGE MY TERRITORY. (1 Chronicles 4:9-10) Ask that today. I side with what God says about me today. I am a mighty warrior. I will not be defined or confined by my past. I refuse to be limited by my failure, mistakes, or the limitations LIVING BEYOND YOUR WILDEST EXPECTATIONS AND DREAMS STARTS WITH SOME WILD EXPECTATIONS AND DREAMS! Dream big. Ask big. Expect big! He will do infinitely above and beyond your highest thoughts and dreams! 

DON'T LIMIT GOD: Psalm 78:41 says, "They limited the Holy One of Israel." We limit Him when we think small, dream small, and ask small. Jabez prayed: ENLARGE MY TERRITORY. 1 Chronicles 4:9-10) Ask that today. I side with what God says about me today. I am a mighty warrior. I will not be defined or confined by my past. I refuse to be limited by my failure, mistakes, or the limitations other have put on you . I leave the room where the ceiling is, and I look up. I look up, expecting God to do exceedingly abundantly above and beyond my highest hopes, thoughts, desires, and dreams! Today I ask God to bless me indeed and enlarge my territory. I refuse to limit Him, and therefore I will break through, in Jesus' Name!

 Testimonies about the miracles of fasting:

I received a note from Joida, another of our members, who wrote, "My husband took the challenge of the 21-day fast, even though he was not yet saved. Fourteen days into the fast, he woke up in the middle of the night crying. The next morning he gave his life to Christ, and was baptized in the Holy Ghost that night! Not only did my husband get saved on a 21-day fast, but on February 13, my husband and all of our children, even my sister-in-law, were baptized. To God be the glory. 

Laura and her son, Drake, also attend Free Chapel. There Life came to a jolting halt for them at one point after Drake was diagnosed with leukemia. He had gone through chemotherapy and had all the side-effects. On January 5, the first Sunday in January when we began the last, Drake was lying in the Intensive Care Unit, literally fighting for his life with a 107-degree fever. I knew the severity of the situation, so I proclaimed that we would begin that fast for Drake's recovery. Laura told me Drake awoke at that same moment—the fever broke, he suffered no brain damage, and the leukemia went into total remission.

Heavenly Father, I'm so grateful we are past the half way mark of the fast, Day 18. I'm so excited about all your doing! I must admit, it’s been challenging at times. Not so much the not eating but the shifting and the cutting away of the things you have revealed to me. All I can say is WOW, I wasn’t ready. But I praise you GOD in the midst of it all. Thank you for your amazing grace, power and work in our lives. This morning, help us to trust you to meet our every need. Help us to practice self control and discipline. Help us to stop over thinking and control our thoughts and emotions because they really affect everything we do. Help us get control of ourselves and the way we think and react as to not allow the spirit of stress to overtake us. We are too blessed to be stressing over anything. Let’s get to it! We are winning! Father, give us this day, our daily bread. Thank you for your goodness and for your blessings over us. Thank you that you are able to bring hope through even the toughest of times by strengthening us for your purpose. Thank you for your great love and care. Thank you for your mercy and grace. Thank you that you are always with us and will never leave us. Thank you for your incredible sacrifice so that we might have freedom and life. Forgive us for when we don't thank you enough for who you are, for all that you do, for all that you've given. Help us to set our eyes and our hearts on you. Renew our spirits, fill us with your peace and joy. We love you and we need you, this day and every day. We give you praise and thanks, for You alone are worthy! Father Thank you for your presence with us, thank you for your Almighty power. Thank you that you go before us and cover us.  Thank you that you are in our midst and that our future is secure in the place you're preparing for us. Your words bring such hope and comfort. Remind us of your strength today. May we see glimpses of your glory and blessings along the way as we seek after you. For victory and salvation are found in you alone. Father I pray for your spirit to be with us and let us experience you like never before on this fast. In the Mighty Name of JESUS name I pray, 🙏🏽 Amen

 On your days of fasting, remember to : 
• Keep drinking plenty of water
• Rest and relax when you need to
• Continue to meditate and listen to God in prayer and worship. 

If anyone would like more information on fasting or would like a fasting contract emailed to them, text me your email address to 202-930-2259 or email us at We will send you the information as soon as possible! Be blessed and let’s get it this year!!

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