Saturday, March 25, 2023

Don’t Quit

 Words of Wisdom : 

Don't quit: 


Matthew 24:13 

But the one who endures to the end will be saved.

James 1:12 

Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.

Morning prayer: 

Good morning, family, friends, and Love Ones! Bless the Lord for another day. Let's take some time today to spend with the Father. Thanking Him for life, our family, our health, our homes, our jobs and all He has allowed us to have. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you how to guard your heart and use your faith to move whatever mountain you are facing. Also, pray for someone today and allow your blessing and favor that the Lord has giving you to bless someone. That means with a listen ear, an understanding heart or a helping hand. Whatever you have, because it all belongs to GOD anyway. Today is another day, which means we get ado over. He is a GOD of a second chance. Praise GOD for that! Walk with GOD and He will walk with you. Talk to GOD and He will talk with you. He's there as much as you allow Him to be and include Him in your life. No matter what, trust the process. Get connected and stay connected. Lift up all who are in hospitals, nursing homes, jails, hospitals, the homeless, the ones who have addictions and mental health issues,  our Soldiers, our churches and the Body of Christ. Let's start to stand in prayer everyday for others and walk-in love and forgiveness. Have a blessed day! Go be great and do something amazing today for the Lord!


Father, this morning I’m pressing on. I will not “quit”. Sometimes life can hit you hard and you just feel like throwing in the towel. But you will not quit. No matter how hard it gets, I will not quit. Sometimes my body says to give up, but my spirit says don’t quit.  The temptation to quit can invade every area of life. We may struggle to persevere in prayer for our family members who don’t serve GOD or struggle to constantly have a prayer and daily devotional and spiritual connection with you Father. We work for years in a job or position to only be faced with disappointment, lay offs, being fired or having to go out of business. Some of us fight for years in Ministry only to see declining interest in the gospel. Pastors are walking away from the faith and dealing with depression at an alarming rate. High profile people are committing suicide. Domestic violence is increasing. We work to keep family relationships together but feel like we’re in a losing battle; we give our hearts to someone or let our guards down to open a space for love only to experience betrayal and hurt or to get hurt once again. Some of us face recurring illness and feel confuse, frustrated or even anxious about it to overtake us. We have a concerned about our finances or what our financial future will be. Living in the uncertainty can leave you where you feel in fear of that  part of our lives have triggered the desire to quit, but rest assured, God knew we would need encouragement to persevere and keep walking in faith and never quit… no matter what,  It”s not a option. 

Closing prayer:

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for Your mercy and forgiveness. Forgive me for those times when I feel like giving up or quitting. Your Word tells me I should “press on toward the goal to win the prize” for which You called me. But sometimes I get discouraged when I don’t feel like I’m making a difference. I know discouragement is not from You. Every good and perfect gift comes from you and that includes the ability to persevere and to endure hardship no matter what. Lord, it seems like I’ve been praying for a long time without an answer. I know your time is not like man’s time. Sometimes I wonder whether or not You hear my prayers. Doubt and frustration make me want to quit when I don’t see a breakthrough in my situation, but You offer hope.  You are always on time and a delay don’t mean being denied. As I draw closer to You, You, in turn, draw close to me. Thank you for this promise and your unfailing love. Your Word says You “reward those who earnestly seek You.” Because of this, I know You are with me, giving me the strength and determination I need to keep moving forward. Help me remember this truth from Scripture when my thoughts take a negative turn. I may not see the fruit of my prayers right now, but You are working it all out even when I don’t see it. And thank you for your love and peace in my life and to know that quitting is never an option. It’s in JESUS name I pray, Amen!


1 Corinthians 15:58 ESV 

Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.

Have a blessed weekend! Stay safe and prepare for the week ahead. Guard your heart at all cost. 

JESUS is my Everything!


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