Thursday, October 27, 2022

Promise Of A Bless Pathway

Words ofWisdom: 

Promise Of A Bless Pathway 

SCRIPTURE:Psalm 65:11
You crown the year with a bountiful harvest; even the hard pathways overflow with abundance”

Philippians 4:19 
And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
Jeremiah 29:11 
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare

Definition of 
a declaration or assurance that one will do a particular thing or that a particular thing will happen."what happened to all those firm promises of support?

Morning Prayer: 
Good Morning Heavenly Father we come thanking you for this  day of life for waking us up this morning, we are grateful, for our health , our homes, for transportation, and food . for supplying all our needs . And for protecting us through the night. Now LORD, order are steps today GOD , tell us where to go , what to do , what to say and what not to say,  and how to do it . we come lifting up those that are lost and less fortunate then us , we are praying asking father that you strengthen families that lost love ones  , that you send Aid to the sick, the homeless , those in jails , nursing homes hospitals , those that are struggling with Addictions, those that are in Third World countries that don’t even have clean water to drink no shoes to put on their feet , father we come praying for those that are been sold in to sex trafficking and human trafficking, we prayer.  for the peace of Israel and Jerusalem, in JESUS name .๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ


Father I'm so grateful for your Promised to a Pathway to my future and the blessing you have in place for me Father God, bless me with a faithful heart that is committed to what You’ve given me in this season! I don’t want to overlook present blessings because I’m focused on what I want & not what I have.  I pray You shape me to have a determined mind and  a faithful heart so I give attention to the work that needs to be done today for a fruitful harvest later. With You on my side, I don’t have to worry about tomorrow or obsess about the future.  I know you hit it. I can be grateful about everything transpiring  right now and praise You in advance for the great plans You’ve promised me and have in place I'm so thankful for the plans and the growth I have experienced in the process. Father I'm make myself available to You so everything You require of me can be done at the appointed time. I’m ready to see something I’ve never seen before! Your favor and power at work on the next level. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

Closing prayer: 

Have a blessed Day family, friends and love ones , know that JESUS saves and he loves you and when the world leaves you standing alone or turn there backs on you JESUS is right there  . He got your back your side and front , if you stay connected .And remember to trust the promises of GOd and the pathway.  if a first you don’t succeed , get back up and try it again . And know that it’s all working for your good . GOD is working it out .  Now Lets do a do over and get this thing popping And please know on ever thing . That GOD will never changes up on us . We change up on him but he remain faithful. Get to know him . Try him , He is the truth . And What ever the Lord tells you  to do . just Do it . All we have belongs to GOD . And keep trusting GOD . Just Know this that GOD remains the same . And with that being said . Know that we can count on him no matter what , and may the peace of GOD be with you today . And we ask all this in JESUS name I pray

JESUS is my Everything 


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