Saturday, October 22, 2022

GOD Fidence

Words of Wisdom : 

Jeremiah 29:11

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.

Proverbs 16:9

The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.

Proverbs 19:21 

Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand

Morning Prayer 

Good Morning family, Friends and Love ones Im Lifting you up this Morning in prayer Im Ask the father to Protect you and cover you today . To order your steps and lead you in the way you should go . To give you wisdom in this season to make better choices . To trust him more . I’m so thankful and grateful for This is the day that the LORD has given us lets praise him for getting up this morning , praying  that you all  spend some time in prayer this morning . Put on the whole Armor of GOD . Let’s get focus and build your prayer life up . Now lets be grateful, humble and most of all thankful, That  he provides for us protect us . And kept us from all hurt harm and danger and we still have our right minds. We are Still able to walk and talk On our own . Some didn’t  wake up this morning . GOD thank You for giving  me the Comfort that you got me . And you got my back . And I know all things are working for my good . Now give GOD some time in prayer this morning . It’s a must that we put him first . Don’t make a move with out him . Please lift someone up in prayer that may be struggling or going through a difficult time. Ask the father to guild you today in the way you should go . Don’t worry about nothing cast all your care on him . .So just know that GOD always make away out no way he provides. GOD is the same yesterday , Today and forever . Be grateful and thankful ,We have a roof over our heads. Food to eat , clothes on our back We are bless in so many ways now let's humble ourself to embrace the path that the Father has prepare for us . Follow your heart and the heart and voice of GOD .Trust that GOD plans are bigger then yours. Even when you Dont understand just believe. Stay connected and In tuned with the Holy Spirit. Please cover your self in prayer. Remember where GOD guides he provides. And he will comfort you . Have bless and safe weekend  go be great and do something to show some one else a little love and bless them however the spirit leads you someone need some reassurance today that this too shall pass and then let them know that GOD GOT IT # JESUS IS MYEVERYTHING.

GOD -Fidence 

The  power of faith is able to do unthinkable things  in my life all because of You, God! You are a God that can part the sea, send Your only son to Earth to sacrifice his life for me, change hearts from stone to flesh  and use me in Your plans.  Thank you for revealing it’s not about believing in myself but it’s about believing in what You can do!  It’s a whole new revelation to have “God-fidence!” My future is written by You and it’s already great. There are plans I’m dreaming about and plans You’ve already secured for the right time to blow my mind. Forgive me for ever doubting if You will make a miracle manifest in my life! I believe in everything You declare for me! Thank you for being a God of unlimited possibilities. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!


Look at the nations and watch– and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.”

Habakkuk 1:5 NIV

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