Tuesday, December 7, 2021

This Joy!




Colossians 1:11 ESV

Being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy;

Morning prayer: 

Father, I thank you on this WEDNESDAY MORNING for waking me up. I ask you to give me understanding , direction, patience, clarity and wisdom. Help me to know the power that I have within me. Father, prepare me for this week that you have set before me. Thank you for watching over me and for providing for me. I’m so grateful and thankful for everything you have done and everything that you will and continuously do in me and for my family, friends and love ones. Thank you for a job, home, food, clothes, transportation and health. We are so thankful that you supply all our needs. We lift up those that are in trying situations. LORD make it easy on them lighten the load. LORD, as you bless me I will be a blessing to all you put in my path to bless. 


LORD, today I sit and wonder, Why do some believers have such expressive joy when some don’t? Is there something wrong with some of us while some struggle with being joyful all the time? I keep hearing that we should be living abundant lives by praising you all the time. But I’m wondering why that doesn’t ring true for some? I know I can still love you without jumping for JOY all the time, but some are struggling with this. I know that even when life is not that joyful,  I have JOY in knowing that you are faithful and I can smile knowing that the JOY of the LORD is my strength. I can feel the JOY of you Father.  I can just enjoy your presence. That’s what I want and need, just you GOD. I will sing your praises and dance with JOY , for you have blessed me with so much and I’m overflowing with gratitude today. When I needed you, you came to me and restored JOY to me and helped me to see my way clear. You help me solve whatever problems that are set before me. You showed me the path you prepared for me when I was tired. You refreshed my spirit and warmed my heart. Father, you have been my JOY, my rock, my foundation and my peace. I thank you Father for giving me JOY unspeakable, and it’s in JESUS name I pray, 🙏🏽 Amen


Psalm 105:43 — NKJV

He brought out His people with joy. His chosen ones with gladness.

GOOD MORNING Family, Friends and Love Ones. Have a blessed day and REMEMBER GOD IS GOD ALL THE TIME !!🙏🏽

JESUS is my Everything 



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