Monday, November 8, 2021

Covered in Love


John 15:13 King James Version 

13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

 LORD I pray you cover my Family,  friends and Love ❤️ ones this morning. We’re thankful for this day and we will embrace this day thanking you. For this is the day the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it. Thanking you for looking out for all of us and supplying every need and for taking care of us throughout the midnight hour. You have protected us from all hurt, harm and danger. We are thankful for the love ❤️ you show us unconditionally ❤️ and we are grateful ! LORD, I pray you cover my love ones in LOVE, with grace, hope, mercy, strength and peace. You said in your word there’s no greater love than one has than to lay down their life for their brother or sister or your friend. Father GOD thanks 🙏🏽 for showing me in my life how to lay down some things and put them aside to see about someone else’s needs. No matter if it’s laying aside my daily plans or my agenda to cover someone else in a word of love and prayer 🙏🏽 with a phone call. I thank you for blessing each of them with the faith and assurance that  the storm is temporary. Give them the faith to tell any situation that they face it is not going to over take them in their season of faith. You are developing every lesson traits that will define their future. I love seeing the supernatural power you work out in our life. I love ❤️ the way you fill us with love ❤️ and peace every day; how you cover us and I pray every day that you continue to cover me, my family, my friends and my love ones with the love and protection, No matter the circumstance. Continue to use me to cover the ones that you have assigned to me that I may see them persevere and see them getting up every day and getting the job done and growing in their walk with you and walking in the spirit of love. Thank you for showing me even in the toughest situation you’re working things out for our good and you said in your word that all things work together for the good of those that love you and for them that are called. Father GOD, I thank you for the testimony you are building in our lives. We will develop our soul and spiritual Growth. To be stronger and be an encouragement to each other. As I witness the love ❤️ that you give us every day to continue to fight the good fight I’m learning how to endure and how I can stay armed with the armor of GOD'S word so I may be able to be a light 💡 and not let the haters and naysayers tear me down in my walk. Thank you for letting us experience your love and your grace and your mercy through the gift of friendship and family in the love of the LORD, that we can extend the Love ❤️ to others as you show us how to love. Please continue to speak to each of us as you walk with us every day showing us how to love and to extend love even to those who are not loving or kind. Show us how to walk  out the fruit 🍎  of the spirit. I’m excited about all the greatness that you have for each and everyone of us today is the Lord's day and we will use this day to be grateful, thankful, humble, kind, loving, forgiving and refuel to set the course for this week. We would embrace this week with love, with a spirit of gratitude, with compassion, with understanding and the Wisdom of GOD that as you love us We will give love and Thanks 🙏🏾 for your love ❤️ I love ❤️ you LORD! In JESUS name I pray Amen 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

Galatians 5:22-23: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 

Happy SUNDAY, have a blessed Sunday. Use this day to be thankful , grateful , show love and receive love, ❤️ and refuel and refresh yourself, prepared for the week ahead. 

JESUS is my Everything 


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