Wednesday, January 24, 2024






Joel 2:25-26 I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the hopper, the destroyer, and the cutter, my great army, which I sent among you. “You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, who has dealt wondrously with you. And my people shall never again be put to shame. 

Jeremiah 30:17 For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal, declares the Lord, because they have called you an outcast: ‘It is Zion, for whom no one cares! 

 Psalm 51:12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit. 

 Isaiah 61:7 Instead of your shame there shall be a double portion; instead of dishonor they shall rejoice in their lot; therefore in their land they shall possess a double portion; they shall have everlasting joy. 

 1 Peter 5:10 And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. 

 Job 42:10 And the Lord restored the fortunes of Job, when he had prayed for his friends. And the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before. 

Morning prayer: 🙏🏾 
Heavenly Father, this morning I'm so grateful for you keeping me for the past 21 days.  My emotions and thoughts have been all over the place, but I must say, you are doing a new thing in me. Father, I just say thank you for this fast. It has really been an experience for me and I’m not not new to this, but I have had more of an emotional experience this time. You have shown me some things in me, and in people, that all I can say is GOD you got it! Father, I just want to thank you for keeping us all year, but this is a new day and a new year that you have given to us. I'm excited about these 31 days that we can start on a new journey. A new destiny. A new purpose in life. I’m so grateful and thankful to you for the opportunities to increase my relationship with you and all of the possibilities that I can experience within these 31 days of a journey of prayer and fasting. Today, as I sat and analyzed some things in my life and looked over my vision board, I  wrote down, in detail, the things that I want to see happen on my journey. I also printed out my fasting contract so that I could detail the things that I want to offer up to God in order to see him move on my behalf. I don’t know if anyone has been on a spiritual fast before, but this is the 19th year of my journey of fasting and praying, with GOD guiding me. But this time I’m expecting a higher move of GOD with signs and wonders. I'm asking him continuously to build me up and to strengthen me to walk with Him. I'm asking Him to take me higher in him. This past year had been a very trying time but I’m embracing this new year, this new season, with great anticipation that we will see a mighty move of God! I’m very excited about the move of GOD in this season. Let’s see what GOD is going to do in these 31 days of prayer and fasting!

"How Could I Ever Recover from This Loss?" We've all lost something at one time or another. If it hasn't been money, it's been time, relationships, opportunity, peace or HOPE. Well, today we begin to GET IT BACK! Today we're fasting from the thought that says, "How could I ever recover from this loss? "


  1. Let this thought permeate your mind: God is a God of restoration. Joel 2:25–26 says, “I will restore the years that have been lost.” Whether it’s lost years, lost opportunity, lost finances, bad decisions, or what others have done to you—God will restore. He is the God of restoration.
2. Ditch the mentality of settling. We must refuse to settle. The ten lepers wouldn’t settle for their leprosy. They cried out to Jesus. The woman with the demon-possessed daughter wouldn’t settle with her daughter’s condition (Matthew 15:22). Bartimaeus wouldn’t settle with blindness. He wouldn’t stop until he recovered his sight. REFUSE to settle for the way things are. 
3. Realize that God WANTS you to go to Him and to ask Him to avenge you. In Luke 18, the unjust judge avenged the widow because of her persistence. HOW MUCH MORE will our just and loving God avenge His children! 
4. All the promises of God are YES. He has promised restoration and recovery—so ask Him for them TODAY. God wants you to recover more than you do. Believe this. 
5. Believe the promise: the thief has to repay seven fold what he’s stolen. The devil is the thief. And Jesus has defeated him. He has given us authority over him. You have the right to get your stuff back. Jesus paid for it. Whatever good thing that has been lost in your life, is coming back. 
6. Prophesy to the dry bones in your life. Speak to whatever is lost and command it to come back. Use your words. Job 22:28 says, “I shall decree a thing and it will be so.”
 7. Expect recovery! “You shall surely overtake your enemies and you shall recover all” (1 Samuel 30:8). Restoration and the recovery of what has been lost in our lives is a divine promise. Stand on it today. 

I will recover all that has been lost in my life. I expect the restoration of lost relationships, lost money, lost hope, and lost opportunities. I will not settle for loss and lack. God will avenge me. He will restore what has been stolen from me. I ask Him and expect Him to avenge me of all that has been lost in my life. I call forth a sevenfold return of what has been taken from me, in Jesus’ Name!
God will break all the yokes that turned your predecessors into a joke. He will use you to restore what was lost in your lineage. Have faith and aspire to be an agent of change!
Gugu Mona 

God will restore what was stolen from you because His storehouse of blessings is not limited by what has ever happened to you. Gugu Mona 

That's the sacred intent of life, of God--to move us continuously toward growth, toward recovering all that is lost and orphaned within us and restoring the divine image imprinted on our soul. 
Sue Monk 

What has happened to our ability to dwell in the unknowing, to live inside a question and coexist with the tensions of uncertainty? Where is our willingness to incubate pain and let it birth something new? What has happened to patient unfolding, to endurance? These things are what form the ground of waiting. Sue Monk 

We live by faith in a prayer-hearing, soul-converting , soul-sanctifying, soul-restoring, soul-comforting God. 
Francis Asbury 

Heavenly Father, I'm so grateful we are past the half way mark of the fast, Day 21. I'm so excited about all your doing! I must admit, it’s been challenging at times. Not so much the not eating but the shifting and the cutting away of the things you have revealed to me. All I can say is WOW, I wasn’t ready. But I praise you GOD in the midst of it all. Thank you for your amazing grace, power and work in our lives. This morning, help us to trust you to meet our every need. Help us to practice self control and discipline. Help us to stop over thinking and control our thoughts and emotions because they really affect everything we do. Help us get control of ourselves and the way we think and react as to not allow the spirit of stress to overtake us. We are too blessed to be stressing over anything. Let’s get to it! We are winning! Father, give us this day, our daily bread. Thank you for your goodness and for your blessings over us. Thank you that you are able to bring hope through even the toughest of times by strengthening us for your purpose. Thank you for your great love and care. Thank you for your mercy and grace. Thank you that you are always with us and will never leave us. Thank you for your incredible sacrifice so that we might have freedom and life. Forgive us for when we don't thank you enough for who you are, for all that you do, for all that you've given. Help us to set our eyes and our hearts on you. Renew our spirits, fill us with your peace and joy. We love you and we need you, this day and every day. We give you praise and thanks, for You alone are worthy! Father Thank you for your presence with us, thank you for your Almighty power. Thank you that you go before us and cover us.  Thank you that you are in our midst and that our future is secure in the place you're preparing for us. Your words bring such hope and comfort. Remind us of your strength today. May we see glimpses of your glory and blessings along the way as we seek after you. For victory and salvation are found in you alone. Father I pray for your spirit to be with us and let us experience you like never before on this fast. In the Mighty Name of JESUS name I pray, 🙏🏽 Amen

 On your days of fasting, remember to : 
• Keep drinking plenty of water
• Rest and relax when you need to
• Continue to meditate and listen to God in prayer and worship. 

If anyone would like more information on fasting or would like a fasting contract emailed to them, text me your email address to 202-930-2259 or email us at We will send you the information as soon as possible! Be blessed and let’s get it this year!!

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