Sunday, January 29, 2023


 31 days of prayer and fasting 


Day 29 of prayer and fasting. 


Family please read these prayers they may be long but very important and necessary prayer is our weapon and the enemy knows it .  for nothing matters more than prayer to start your day . To knowledge GOD for being the answer to every situation and to go before us before we even turn the lock to go outside the door into into the enemies camp we have to put on the whole armor of GOD so take five minutes to give GOD some time to speak to your heart and your mind to direct your path but he also said to acknowledge him in all your ways he shall direct our path , and seek his righteousness and all these things will be added to your life . family we are in a war a fight for our lives . Our family our health and so many other things prayer is very necessary in this season

We're 29 days into 2023  Most resolutions have started to fade if not gone from your mind . 92% of them don’t last some of us just give up but I challenge you to keep going . 

Remember, real change starts in our THINKING.

I want you to win this year. Let's win together!!


Father GOD  I thank you , for keep us all year , This New Year father I really don’t want the same old same old . I know the new year we can get caught up in the New Year’s resolution and making vows that we seldom keep . Father I know that for many of us have experienced  a mixed bag of emotions and memories for many of us. The events  of 2022  including an ongoing pandemic of Covid and the new variance and the monkey pop and who know what else along with , racial tensions, joblessness homeless , Financial struggle, health and mental break down  along with political unrest created an unprecedented time of unrest and anxiety stress . While some may have just experienced the best year ever and look forward to an even greater one looming ahead, others may have just trudged through one deep struggle after another. The fresh calendar year brings desperate hope for things to be better, with an ache for the still-fresh wounds to slowly begin their process of healing. Praying at the start of the New Year doesn't always bring immediate change at the stroke of midnight, but it begins the opening of our hearts to GODS  Words of hope and peace and trusting GOD no matter what . Im excited about this 31 days of praying and fasting .I’m Intentionally seeking God for change into experience his miracles signs in his wonders but also for deliverance and healing. I believe this Year  we can start on a new journey a new destiny a new purpose in life .  This day 29 on fast . I know this Year will be a reset of all things . I’m so grateful and thankful to God for this fast a time to really get tune with GOD It’s opportunities to increase my relationship with you father . all the possibility that we can experience on this 31 days of a journey of prayer and fasting . And developing a closer and stronger relationship with you.  I have great expectations to see all that’s going to happen  on my journey as I go through this 31 days of prayer and fasting and consecration. So that I can get detail in the things that I want to offer up to GOD  to see him move on my behalf on this journey of fasting and praying with GOD . But 2023 I’m expecting a higher move of GOD , and signs  and wonders . Asking  him to continuously to build me up to strengthen me to walk with me . To take me higher in him . This year has been a very trying time. But I’m embracing this year this new season , this new year with great anticipation that we’re going to see a mighty move of God I’m very excited about the move of GOD in this season . Let’s see what GOD is going to do in this 31 days of prayer 🙏🏽 and fasting

My Reflections

I ask you  to give me understanding , direction, patience , clarity and wisdom . Help me to know the power that I have within me Father prepare me for this week that you have set before me . thank you for watching over me and for providing for me . I’m so grateful and thankful for everything you have done and everything that you will and continuously do in me and for my family, friends and love ones. LORD as you bless me I will be a blessing. 


Mark 1:35, Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.

Wisdom : 

Father , I will never stop praying, I have real seen the importance and the power of prayer this year , it been a trying year Father . But I made it . And I realize that Prayer is the power source. And my time , To have a conversation with you . And I can chop it up, with you about any and everything letting it all out . knowing that with you there’s no judgment , Only True acceptance and unconditional Love , and forgiveness. I know the importance in prayer , it strengthens me and gives me a peace that passes all human understanding, I can’t function with out it . I will pray in good times , I will pray in bad times . I will pray in Hard times , I will not stop praying , I will pray on sunny days, I will pray on rainy days, I will pray on snowy day, I will pray on bad days , I will pray on good days . I will not stop praying . I will pray In my car, I will pray out side , I will pray in the gym , no matter where I am I will pray or praise you . I’m in love with you JESUS and I can’t get enough. There is always Something to pray about or to talk to you about . When I’m feel confused, or hurt , when I don’t have the words to say to someone that’s hurting or going through a Tough time.  It time to pray . The power of prayer starts when I call on you and declare and decree in JESUS name it shall be . Prayer drawers me closer to you and releases your power within me . I’m so grateful I can come to you just as I am not with big words just have a real talk with you . I can come to you just as I am . And you are there to listen ready to move on my behalf .Father use me to share the Precious gift of prayer with someone.  Give me the opportunity to pray with someone today that they may experience the power within. Give me the opportunity to let someone experience everything that you have done for me through the power of surrendering and praying I will never block you from moving in me and working through me or holding back what you have done for me and the power of prayer . What it does and the power of it , Prayer works better than anything . I will fight the battle to share and give prayer any time any where , I won’t stop praying. And it’s in JESUS name I pray 🙏🏽 Amen 


Thessalonians 5:16-18 is the popular verse many Christians refer to when discussing how we can pray without ceasing. The Greek word ceasing in this verse literally means to pray uninterruptedly and incessantly, 


JESUS is my Everything 


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