Sunday, August 14, 2022

Love out loud

 Words of Wisdom: 

Love out Loud : 

Bible verse : Zephaniah 3:17 

The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.

Definition of love:

feel deep affection for (someone).he loved his sister dearly.

Good Morning  family , Friend, love ones . Let thank the father for this Sunday and take time to thank  GOD for all he has done now find a church to go to not to worship man but to Worship GOD and show your gratefulness . And to show up for GOD . Just like we show up for work , events, cookouts , dates. And all . Lets honor our GOD so your sow your time and all you have in your power to do  . I’m so grateful to GOD my father for all he has done and for all of you in my life . Life is a gift from GOD and friends and family are a blessing he has giving for a Time . Let’s show love and thankfulness to whom ever GOD has bless you to have in your life . Cause he never said it would be for ever . Time is in his hands . So appreciate This day that the Lord has  allow us to see. Lets take Time this Sunday to rest in him .I’m so Thankful to you Father You always remaining true. I’ve prayed and claimed many things that You keep allowing me to witness at the most amazing moments!With every prayer I pray, my faith strengthens, my love grows and my need for more of You expands. Lord, You are my hope, peace, way-maker and everything I don’t know I need.  My life is better because I have You! I thank You for being my Rock through the highs and the lows.  I appreciate the chances You give me day after  day to experience more of Your love and grace.  I want more of You every day of my life.  You are my life. Lord, thank You for giving me wisdom I’m standing on your promises and I recognize what the enemy is trying to do.everyday that why you told me to put on the whole armor of GOD so i would be equipped to fight the enemy when he comes to try to place The thoughts of confusion, lack & worry are weeds in my field that stop me from harvesting the abundance You have for me. I rebuke the enemy & every evil device he tries to throw at me mentally, emotionally, spiritually & physically. No longer will I give the enemy power to trick me into cycles of pain in my life . And use people to try and break me . Them not know my assignment . And who had my back . And I’m in this world but not from it . Father at times I’m so misunderstand . But it all good cause I’m Tiding with you . All the way . GOD you are so faithful and your love is unconditional . Today fam lets try practice having a spirit of gratefulness and thanksgiving . And walk in love . Thank GOD for  always remaining true. I know I’ve prayed and claimed many things  that He had allowing me to witness at the most amazing moments!With every prayer I pray, my faith strengthens, my love grows and my need for more of GOD expands. LORD You are my hope, peace, way-maker and everything I don’t know I need.  My life is better because I have You! I thank You for being my Rock through the highs and the lows.  I appreciate the chances You give me day after  day to experience more of Your love and grace. I want more of You every day of my life.  You are my life.So  Let’s go all in with GOD . start to trust GOD and his plan above all. No matter what , know that GOD is greater then any problem or situation .. GOD is faithful and he has promises to be with us in all situation . GOD never will change up on us .Seek GOD and watch him work it out . For It is in him where we find all we need . Have a bless Sunday  day and a safe Week. 

JESUS is MY Everything # Can’t Stop Won’t Stop .in JESUS I pray AMEN 



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