Saturday, March 5, 2022

Gotta hear Well Done!



Matthew 25:23 

His Lord said  to him well done my good and faithful servant, you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things, enter into the joy of the Lord.

1Corinthians 4:2 

Moreover , it is required of stewards that they be found trustworthy. 


Good morning and happy Sabbath to my family, friends, and love ones.  Have a blessed Saturday. Lets call on the Holy Sprit today and welcome Him in all we do. Let’s take time to thank GOD for waking us up this morning, for the talents that He has blessed us with, for the gift of life, friendship and family. Thanking Him for love and for providing for us by making away out of no way. Thanking Him for our strength, our health and for everything that we have that we take for granted every day. Today, let’s be thankful. For this is the day the Lord has made, let’s use this day to thank the LORD for all he has done! Also use Wisdom and allow the Holy Spirit to guild you. Let’s take time this morning to thank GOD for another day. Another day means another chance to get it right with the Father. Let’s be grateful and thankful for all things. We are asking you, GOD, to cover our family, friends and love ones. We pray 🙏🏽 for all that are sick, the homeless, the incarcerated, the ones that are in nursing homes, the ones that are going through addictions and substance-abuse, those that are dealing with mental health and PTSD, and those that are in abusive relationships. We pray for  our soldiers that are being deployed and we pray for  peace in the Middle East. We pray for the United States.  We pray for the President to get wisdom and use knowledge and have a heart of compassion for the people and the rules that they make that governors the land. We thank you Lord for all you have done and going to do for us and our family.  God is amazing. His mercies are new every morning. Pray for someone today and show favor to someone.  Be a blessing.  Share the blessings that GOD has blessed you with. Trust him no matter what. Give and it shall be given back to you.  Remember today to do something to bless someone.  Share the blessings or repair a broken situation if it’s in your power to do so and walk in forgiveness and love ❤️ and watch GOD move in his timing and be thankful and grateful. Let GOD fight the battle and trust and know that GOD is with you in all you do. Everywhere you go, Seek GOD first and everything else will fall into place.  Allow GOD to direct you and what ever He tells you to do, do it with no fear and trust him with all you have in you with your whole heart ❤️ and Know that it’s GOD plan and his timing and all things work together for the good that love GOD.  For GOD tells us in Jeremiah 29:11, That I know the plans I have for you and walk in your purpose and see every opportunity as a way in which to give God the glory through your story or your testimony. Trust the process  and do what the Holy Spirit tells you to do. Resist the devil in all things and trust GOD no matter what. Choose wisely and trust GOD’S timing and wait on him and trust the process. Let the Holy Spirit control you and your mind no matter what. Have a Blessed and Amazing Saturday! Protect  your peace at all cost. Do something great for the LORD today. Walk in love In JESUS name, Amen 🙏🏽 


One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much and one who is dishonest in a very little is dishonest in much. 

JESUS Is My Everything!


Truthministries : It’s  truth that will set you free:


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