Tuesday, March 15, 2022

God Got This!





Isaiah 43:19

Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.


Good morning family, friends and love ones. Have a blessed Tuesday. Let's call on the Holy Sprit today and welcome Him in all we do. Let’s take time to thank GOD for waking us up this morning. Father, we thank you for taking us to the next level in our walk, talk and thinking. We thank you for the talents that you have blessed us with. For the gift of life, friendship and family. For providing for us by making away out of no way for us. For strength and health. For everything that we have that we take for granted every day. Today, let’s be thankful. For this is the day the Lord has made. Let’s use this day to thank the LORD for all He has done. Also use wisdom and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you.  Let’s take time this morning to thank GOD for another day. Another day means another chance to get it right with the Father. Let’s be grateful and thankful for all things, especially for our family and love ones. We are asking you, GOD, to cover our family, friends and love ones. We pray πŸ™πŸ½ for all that are sick, the homeless, the incarcerated, the ones that are in nursing homes, the ones that are going through addictions and substance-abuse, those that are dealing with mental health and PTSD and those who are in abusive relationships. We pray for our soldiers that are been deployed and we pray for peace in the Middle East. We pray for the United States. We pray for the President to obtain wisdom and use knowledge and have a heart of compassion for the people and the rules that are made that governors the land. We thank you Lord for all you have done and going to do for us and our family.  God is amazing! His mercies are new every morning. Pray for someone today and show favor to someone.  Be a blessing.  Share the blessings that GOD has blessed you with. Trust Him no matter what. Give and it shall be given back to you. Remember today to learn how to wait on GOD and His timing and be thankful and grateful. Let GOD fight the battle and trust and know that GOD is with you in all you do and ever where you go. Seek GOD first and everything else will fall in place. Allow GOD to direct you and what ever He tells you to do, do it with no fear and trust Him with all you have in you, with your whole heart ❤️. Know that in GOD'S plan and His timing that all things work together for the good that love GOD. For GOD tells us in Jeremiah 29:11, "That I know the plans I have for you". Walk in your purpose and see ever opportunity as a way in which to give God the glory through your story or your testimony. Trust the process and do what the Holy Spirit tells you to do. Resist the devil in all things and trust GOD no matter what. Choose wisely and trust GOD'S timing. Wait on him and trust the process. Let the Holy Spirit control you and your mind, no matter what. Have a blessed and amazing Tuesday. Protect your peace at all cost. Do something great for the LORD today. Walk in love. In JESUS name, Amen. πŸ™πŸ½


Father GOD I trust in you and your word. I know that the word is true. I know that you are real. I've come to the point that I know you GOT THIS. No matter what the situations or circumstances are at times, YOU GOT IT. At times it seem like you are far away or my prayers are not being heard. I know you will come through and show up and show out as you always do . I’m so thankful for all you have and will do. I know your word tells us that the hands of man will fail us ever time, but I know I can depend on you. I know there’s nothing too hard for my GOD. I know you will do it and you GOT IT. Even when I don’t see how or know how. I know you hold the key to every door set before me! But I realize that there are some things that I need to readjust in my life and to get more focused on so that I make the right decisions and better choices to do what is right in your eyes. Fill my mind with GOD - given thoughts so I will be in your perfect will for my life. I know you will DO IT. I’m reminded of how you turned water into wine and how you opened the Red Sea and I say to myself, GOD GOT THIS . If you did it before, you can and will DO IT again. Father, align my actions with your will for my life. Your plans are the only plans that matter from this point forward! Today, I thank you for never giving up on me when I made the wrong turn or stepped out of your will. You always are there to lead me back in the right direction and on the right path. I know you will DO IT. Things I can’t change, fix or handle, I know that I have to let it go and let GOD. I have to trust the process , I have to know the season you have me in . And that you will comfort me in the mist of it all , cause you GOT THIS . And you will DO IT ,  I stand in expectation waiting on you to show up GOD in ways that I can’t even explain . I know you want the best for me. Even when I feel unworthy of your love you pour it out on me and love on me anyway. I know I don’t have to do anything special to receive your love, its there all the time. Sometimes, I don’t feel deserving and I still feel your love and presence in my life to see how you can always work things out for my good by opening and closing so many doors. A delay doesn't mean denied. YOU GOT THIS. I know you know what’s best for me. You know the doors I need to walk through, the doors that I need to leave closed and turn around and go the other way. You are Amazing GOD. I’m  grateful for all you have shown me and taught me through your word and giving me unconditional love. You love me no matter what. My prayer today is that I stay connected to you always no matter what. That I trust the process, that I never give up, quit seeking, believing, trusting in you and the promises you have told me you have for me. You are my everything, my peace, my joy, my strength, my healer, my provider, my protector, the lover of my soul and my keeper. MY EVERYTHING! Everything I need is in you and in your hand. I thank you for the wisdom to know and understand and receive this and know without any  questions, YOU GOT THIS! It’s in JESUS Name I Pray, πŸ™πŸ½ Amen . 


Philippians 4:19 / KJV 

But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Good Morning family, friends and love ones. Have a blessed Tuesday and remember, GOD GOT THIS! 



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