Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Turning It Around





JOB  37:12

“It changes direction, turning around by His guidance, That it may do whatever He commands it. On the face of the inhabited earth. 


Father, I thank you on this WEDNESDAY MORNING, for waking me up. I come asking you to continue to give us guidance , wisdom, clarity and understanding , We thank you for watching over us this week and for providing for us all through the week. I’m so grateful and thankful for everything you have done and everything that you will and continuously do in us and our family, friends and love ones. Father, I ask that you bless those that are less fortunate then us. Heavenly Father, meet the needs of those that don’t have a place to lay their heads and for the homeless to obtain shelter. Father, especially now, its getting cold in some states and cities. I pray for shelter for them because it’s below freezing. I pray for those that don’t have health insurance to take care of health situations they have. I pray for those that don’t have the means to take care of their families. I’m praying that you send resources and financial blessings.  Open doors LORD. I pray that you touch those that are sick in hospitals and nursing homes. I pray for those that are incarcerated and those that are in foreign countries that don’t even have clean water to drink and no food. I pray for those that are going through all types of abuse and harassment due to terrorism and violent acts. I pray for the nation and the peace of Israel and the peace of Jerusalem. I pray for the President and Government that they make rules and decisions that will help this nation and the people that need it. I pray for the mental health and for deliverance from all addictions. I pray for this new variant of Covid. I lift up the Daystar family and the loss of brother Marcus, from Daystar Christian tv network. I pray for Nick Cannon in the loss of his son, strengthen the family. Father GOD, we also pray for the shooting at the school. Father protect our kids while away at school. Also I ask for special prayer for my family in the loss of my aunt. Strengthen us in this time of loss. I know to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord, so I know that she’s in a better place. I thank you for the time that you gifted us with her and her life to share with us and we thank you GOD for it. Father, we also want to add Carlos to the prayer list along with Auntie Debbie and her family. Father, please guide us on the right path with clear direction. Help us to pray and extend our love and compassion towards others through this season of testing and trying times. I’m so grateful for your grace, mercy and your unconditional love. I love you Father. We pray this in JESUS name, Amen. πŸ™πŸ½ 


Father, this morning, I’m asking you to turn some things around. Even if it hurts me, if it’s for my good, then let me hurt until  it turns around. Help me to see what areas I need to change or need to turn around. I looked up the definition or meaning of "turn around" and it states that: "To cause a situation or organization to change in a positive direction: They were losing badly but they turned things around in the second half of game." So my take away from this means, to turn around things in a positive way. Things can Turn Around in a second, especially when you’re walking with the Lord. 

Some of us, LORD, need our health situation to turn around. Some of us need our financial situation to turn around. Some of us need our Relationship situation to turn around. Some us need our mindset to Turn around. What ever it is Lord, turn it around. GOD, I know that you are the GOD of all so you can turn things around in a minute. There’s nothing too hard for you GOD. Thank you LORD that you are turning it around to work in our favor and for our good. It’s in JESUS name I pray, Amen πŸ™πŸ½ 


Matthew 16:23

But He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me; for you are not setting your mind on God’s interests, but man’s."

GOOD MORNING, Family, Friends, And Love Ones. Have a blessed day and remember to pray and ask GOD to Turn It Around!

JESUS is my Everything 



  1. In Jesus Name Amen πŸ™❤️ Gm Niece ❤️ I'm sorry for your lost but, just know that I'm here for you always. Day or night.πŸ™πŸ™❤️😘

  2. Amen! I thought about repentance, how we turn from our sin. Thank you, turn me around LORD, turn me away from LORD those things that are displeasing to you and unfruitful for me.

    GOD bless you WOG ❤


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